Seb x Kimi - (part 2) hard to find

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I woke up around noon with someone's shirt on, it was a bit too big for me, but it smelled calming. While sniffing that shirt in rather weird way, I thought about the man whose shirt it was. I remembered his eyes perfectly, blue like the ice, the same blue the shirt was. But then the question came in.

Am I ever gonna find him?

I didn't know his name, his phone number, his face, I only knew his eyes and the shirt. Well I could probably tell the height, but that's about it. I decided to go out, since it was Sunday and I had nothing to do.

Few days passed by and I was getting slightly mad, because I wanted to find him, but had absolutely no luck. I didn't see anyone like him in the town, I didn't find out anything about him. He was still a mystery to me. The shirt I had from him was in the wardrobe since the day I washed it.

The next week Lewis texted me inviting me to a party. He knew that I won't say no, since I couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious man so obviously he was sick of me always talking about him. I decided to wear the blue shirt in case he was there. When we arrived the party had already started. Daniel obviously went righ in the crowd and me and Lewis decided to go find something to drink.

"Lewis, who's party it even is?"
"Don't know." Laughed my friend.
"But who invited you then?"
"Michael, said his friend's celebrating end of his final year at college or something."
"Okay. I'll look around for someone familiar."
"I know where you're going. Good luck though, he seem rather hard to find."

Lewis gave me a knowing look and then walked to the table with drinks alone. I walked around the room and found noone similar to that guy I was so amazed by. What if he's evil? I didn't think of that, since he was quite nice to me the last and only time we met. I didn't understand my sudden obsession with finding him but couldn't help it. I kind of promised myself with that shirt I gave him to find him and I won't be able to rest until then.

It was around midnigh and I was loosing my hopes. He obviously wasn't there, and I wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep until noon. Perks of Friday's parties.
Lewis was somewhere near the kitchen, last time I saw him he was with some blonde guy. It wasn't him, even though he also had blue eyes. He had longer hair and different voice, and also different accent.

With a beer in my hand I walked through the living room while it's owner being still unknown and sat on one of the big sofas near the empty fireplace. Only then I realised that the house was very cosy.

With the night going on, the music changed to slower and people started leaving. I was waiting for others I came with on the sofa. Lewis was still talking to that guy from earlier, they seemed to get on well and Daniel was nowhere to be found. Which was no surprise, he was the most likely to get drunk and end up 200 miles away (which happened once and we were still making fun of him).

I had fallen asleep while waiting for them around two in the morning.

I woke up some time later and when I opened my eyes I was met with a huge and also very handsome surprise.


I couldn't be more surprised when I realised I had been sitting across the guy I once exchanged shirt with. I was at a party my friend invited me to, just to get some vodka for free, which is offer you should never turn down, sitting on some armchair I found in the living room and getting drunk. Around midnight people started leaving and I was too lazy to go myself. A few hours later the house was almost empty except me, few guys in kitchen, DJ and guy that was probably sleeping across me.

I didn't find anything weird with him, he was probably drunk and fallen asleep. I shot one last glance in his direction, at least I thought it would be last glance, but my eyes got caught at something. He was wearing familiar shirt. I quietly got up from my chair and walked to him. He had my shirt on. I looked closely at his face. I didn't recognise him. He was wearing a face mask, I only remember the colour of his eyes, his beautiful eyes, which I would never admit to anyone. And maybe his hair.

The colour was the same as far as I remembered. Could it be him? Sure, I wanted to meet him again, I tried to find some information about him, but not too eagerly. If we were supposed to meet again, it would happen, I told myself. But a few days later I thought it was just a dream. I thought I only imagined him because I was drunk. Looking at the guy now I saw how good he actually looked. The red shirt guy was hot and so was the one sleeping on the sofa, but it was definitely different sight than seeing him dance and then sending his friends home. He looked peaceful, but still with a small smirk on his face, that I recognised.

I was so caught up in my head that I didn't see him waking up. When he opened his eyes I felt something tightening in my chest when I realised it was him.

"No way." Was the first thing that left his lips that I obviously wasn't staring at.
"Am I dreaming? Cause if I hadn't woken up yet I certainly don't plan on doing that." I chuckled.
"You're awake." I said and stood up offering him a hand.

"I'm Sebastian. Nice to meet you." He said with the same confidence as few weeks ago when he approached me, which I was somehow glad he did.
"So, do you want to go home or would you like to go at mine?" He winked at me and I didn't know what to do, so I just shrugged and followed him out of the empty house.

Part 2 suggested by schmika_mika17

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