Carlos X Charles - The Ferrari

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Carlos and Charles lived together for a few years, ever since they decided to move together a year after they had met. When they both retired from formula one, they had a lot more time for themselves, but somehow felt like they were missing something.

Something important. At first they didn't know what, so Charles get a dog. He was cute distraction from all the problems as well as amazing friend they both adored. But it somehow wasn't enough.

They finally found out when they went for a walk together with their dog. On a playground there were small kids. They were laughing and playing hide and seek and both retired drivers shared one look, that said it all. Family was the thing they were missing, but not their parents, no, they missed kids.

Few weeks later, they went to some children's house to choose someone to adopt.

"Do you have any kids for adoption?" Asked Charles when they entered.
"Yes, we have a few of them, do you have any preferences?"
"Maybe for a boy, around five?" Asked Carlos and when Charles nodded, the lady brought them to garden, where all the kids were playing together.

"We have quite a few of them. Some are new here, but, you see that one with brown curls? He's been there quite some time now."
Both drivers looked at small boy around six years, that was running tirelessly to catch the rest of the kids.
"What's his name?" Carlos asked when he saw how his now husband was looking at the child.

"Oliver Bearman, we call him Ollie. He's been there since he was two, his mother probably didn't want him, we found him on our stairs, like from some fairytale. But nobody ever adopted him. We don't know why. He's such a sweet kid."
"We'd like to talk to him and eventually adopt him, if it's possible."

A year later Ollie was supposed to go to school for the first time. It was only a few months after the adoption, but they got on very well. Both dads went with him to his new school and when he came home, he looked happy.
"So how was your day at school Ollie?"
"Good! I already have two friends."
"That's great, and what are their names?"
"I don't know. I didn't ask them for names, but they told me they are driving cars!" He said excitedly.

"I want to drive a real car!" He said smiling with hope in his eyes.
"As you two did." He was now looking at the ground. His parents never told him about their job before they met him.
"How do you know that?"
"Our teacher told me that she was surprised when she saw you two in the morning, and also something about photo." He then laughed and went to his room to play with his hot wheels.

When Ollie was 18 years old he was driving in formula one for the first time. He was reserve driver and when one of the teams was short of one driver due to him being sick, he was racing instead.

Both of his parents came to cheer on him, everyone around them cheering when they saw the ex drivers on the grid once again. Both his dads were nervous. They wanted for their kid to do well. They really did believe in him, but still were nervous. But their nervousness was nowhere near Ollie's. He wanted to make his parents proud. And also prove he was worth the seat for next year.

When the race started, his dads, especially Charles stopped breathing for a moment, but when they saw their son was doing excellent job, they started cheering on him, even though he couldn't hear them. When Ollie finished the race on seventh place, both of his parents couldn't be more proud.

They hugged their son when they finally had the opportunity and when they came home, they celebrated for the whole weekend with his friends and their family. Ollie couldn't be more happy, not only for his race going that well, but also for his amazing parents, who made him who he was now. He couldn't imagine staying in the children's home, he surely wouldn't be able to race and score his first and hopefully not last points. He couldn't wait to race again, hopefully in Ferrari as his both dads were.

This one was requested by Hya_Cin_Th, thank you for this idea, and hope you liked it👍🏼

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