A Little Treat ~ Wolfstar & Jegulus

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"What are you up to, Pads?" James asks, as he hops up onto the low wall of the courtyard.

Sirius looks up from the classroom book in his hands and sarcastically responds, "Nothing. I'm just making out with Dumbldoore. What do you think I'm doing?"

James laughs, "Honestly, I wouldn't be that surprised if that was actually what you were doing."

Sirius rolls his eyes and forcefully jabs James' shoulder, "Gross!"

"Okay, honestly, why are you actually studying?" James asks, massaging the spot on his arm that had just been hit.

Sirius looks back down at the book in his hand and sighs, "Remus said that he will give me a treat, if I pass the Potions test."

"What kind of treat?" James asks, a smirk appearing on his face.

"I don't know. He's refusing to tell me. He said it's a surprise." Sirius replies, a smirk creeping up onto his face too.

Both boys laugh knowingly, but they quickly stop when they hear Regulus' voice.

"What are you two laughing about?" he asks, Remus appearing to the right of him.

"Just trying to figure out what little treat Remus has for Sirius." James responds, his eyebrows wiggly up and down.

Regulus' face contorts into one of disgust, as Sirius smacks James' on the shoulder. Remus' face turns to a bright shade of red, but he plays it off by responding, "Yes, and you'll never figure it out, if you keep distracting him from his studies."

"So, you have something in mind then?" James asks, hopping off the wall to throw an arm around Regulus' shoulders.

Remus rolls his eyes, "Maybe, but I will most definitely not be telling you what it is."

"Thank the lord above!" Regulus praises, his arms flying up, "I do not need to hear about the freaky things my older brother is into."

Before anyone cam respond, Sirius smacks Regulus on the head with a book.

"Oh, shut up!" he yells, "Let me study in peace."

Remus softly smiles, his hand resting on Sirius' thighs, "Would you like to go back to the room and study with me?"

Sirius smiles, "I most definitely would like that."

Regulus and James roll their eyes, as Sirius hops off of the wall and falls into Remus' arms. The taller grabs his legs and carries him to their room, where they totally study. They definitely don't do anything else together.     :)

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