Prologue - Where Did It...

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Around the country of Heptact, there was always a semblance of cruelty in the culture whether you were Mesc (Man) or Wersh (Woman). You could look and walk for miles around the country, just to come back to the city and not know anything about your origins of you.

Who are you?
What are we?
"Do you disagree... Don't think it..."

-Transmission over-

A training camp on the outskirts of the capital city Jef-bran of Heptact. Hosts a new program for whoever volunteers. Regardless of whether their knowledge of the society is minimal or vast, but preferably vast.
"We will reeducate you!" The slogan announces through the paper screen in front of a crowd of scrawny individuals, like they're at the end of the rope.

"The Campany Of Sebliksh welcomes you to the summit society of Jef-bran" A screen echos the shouts of the announcement through the capital outskirts and all training camps.

"We are happy to announce that our new program will test your knowledge and experience!" The announcement continues with a monotone reading.

"Please head over to your superiors for the enlistment process... *crackles* it is mandatory" The transcript ends with deafness coming from the crowd, except one person.

The person was a mesc repeatedly saying " I hate this country..". The mutters (People) gathered around the pesky Mesc and looked at him with horrified expressions.

Holding their tongues together from panic, they take hold of the mesc's arms and chest.

"Hey wait! I didn't say anything!" The mesc cried but the mutters took him over to the front of the entrance of the new program facility.

Their callus-pink pupils vibrated further in worry, ignoring his cries for help as they strapped them to the first opportunity lab before leaving the entrance closed.

"Wait hold on! I love this country I do! I do!" The mesc shouted at the screen before him, pleading for forgiveness of his words.

The once-black screen lights up with words appearing as said

"an opportunity, a quest for a chance to feel like a true Anuchen"

"Ready for the opportunity that comes with your journey in this new program, we welcome you"

As an electronic voice continues to read off the words on the screen, many drill-shaped objects lift from the ground of the room.

Surrounding the strapped mesc with intense pressured devices.

"Hold on! I'm grateful for the opportunity, the opportunity, the opportunity!" The mesc exclaims.

"The opportunity has begun, enjoy the session" The program ends with that statement.

The beginning stage starts as one drill clamps and smashes his left arm, slicing the first layer of skin along with it. Leaving only his fibers visible to the program to processes

The mesc struggles to fake a smile from the agony, still repeating the same phrase prior.

The electronic voice orders the second stage.

The right clamp device undoes the entirety of the right arm skin from the inside, taking the veins out intact-fully as the muscle fibers spread out like a cloud of strings,

Floating around the mesc, was the final stage of the program, still conscious during the first half.

"Final stage initiated" the program announces once again.

The drills take the mesc part by part deconstructing each minimal fiber of the body's innards surrounding fluids

Pools of blood surround the surface of the facility room with fibers of muscle falling to the ground, leaving the once before alive mesc spreading out inside of the display.

The facility door opens with two scientists, on the left a Wersh with pinkish blonde ragged hair and A mesc with refined orange hair enter to evaluate the potential results for the patient.

"Hmph, dead again like the previous five hundred deserters, what a shocker, "The Wersh scientist said sarcastically as she walked through the puddle of blood.

"Haha very funny Kelsa, you've said this for every person's failure" The mesc scientist responded snickering.

"Well if you just look at the "results" they look "very promising" Kelsa replied kicking through the puddles of blood again, reaching the strapped seat they used for the program.

"Also you never really said why we do these experiments Kryten, or so-called programs" Kelsa followed up with a clipboard-type object in her hand.

Kryten stared at Kelsa with pity, shaking his head.
"We just do it for the opportunity Kelsa, I thought you knew this to begin with when you got here"

Kryten responded slyly while moving his hand on the blood-splattered seat. Caressing it before forming a fist in disappointment at the results.

"Kelsa, I know you think this might be a joke in bad taste, but you haven't lived long enough to see the real truth of this world"

"What's a world? What are you trying to say? Are we not doing this right? Kryten I don't understand..."

They both stand idly in the center behind the seat of the facility room, blood smeared and the innards of the patient splashed across the roof, walls, and near the entrance.

"You will understand the opportunity... you have to, the opportunity saves us from ourselves! I can't help but imagine the potential!"

Kelsa backs away pacing slowly back from Kryten in the middle of his monologue, shaking and her callus-pink pupils vibrate her eyes with fear just like the Mutters on the outside camps.

Kryten notices her eyes and paces from side to side eyes wide open, breathing deeply and desperately.

"You have the eyes!? The eyes of traitors! The eyes of thieves, You have to see the opportunity now I'm afraid!" Kryten sprints after Kelsa as she is unsure, he saw her pacing back toward the exit.

He grabs her arm to try to strap her to the sloshed seat of blood, but the amount of red blurs his depth perception not noticing he strapped himself onto the machine of the program.

Kryten attempts to pull away from it but it's too late "Wait! KELSA, Help Me I'm sorry for losing it again I just... just unstrap me here... Please!" He pleaded with agony-filled shouts.

"You... tried to... No.. I can't, you're insane!" Kelsa quickly pushed the hidden button of the initial start program from the seat and the procedure started in the final stage.

By the time he realized, he was already undone...

The procedure rips Kryten's skeletal structure apart, his cell lines becoming unraveled by each cell, vein by vein untangling, becoming visible on display as the process continued, organ by the intestine.

With Kelsa watching her mentor in terror, her pupils started to bleed internally the pink in her left eye intensified feeling like it was about to burst, violently pulsating within her cornea.

She heals her hand to cover her left eye to prevent it from getting worse but the events were too intense for her to look away as the strings of Kryten's blood left nothing but a husk of nothingness on the seat-filled blood strings.

"Oh mau-lavh!! What have I done!! Where did it"




Kelsa County - AWOL

Kryten Mercschet -DECEASED


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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