Chapter 5

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The drive to the furniture store didn't take longer than an hour. When they got there, Brianna was able to get a parking spot without much trouble.  They headed into the store, with Maddison immediately going to the beds, looking for the best, cheapest one.

"I think I want this one..." She said, looking at the simplest bed.

"Really?" Brianna asked, "You know, Alex said he would foot the bill, and told me to tell you to go all out."

"What?! That's crazy!" She said.

"Well, he meant it! So, go pick out a bed you REALLY want, not this... economically good bed." She said, pushing Maddy away from the simple bed, toward the bed she had already been eying.

"I can't! That's too expensive!"

"Alex would kill me if I did not get what you wanted." Brianna said, "Please? For me!"

"...Fine..." Maddy said hesitantly. She walked over to the king-size bed and scanned the barcode, to add the bed to her cart.

They walked around the store, adding furniture to their cart as they went. Once they were done, they went to stand in line for check out. 

"Are you sure that Alex is ok with this? It's a lot of money!"

"Yes, I just texted him and he confirmed that it's ok," Brianna confirmed.

"Hello, did you find everything you needed today?" The cashier asked.

"Yes, thank you."

"Would you like to have this delivered? It is an extra 1,400 pounds for same-day delivery."

"Yes, deliver to this address, please," Brianna said, handing the cashier the address.

"Sure thing!" He said, finishing up checking them out. After they were done, they walked out to the car and got in. 

"Alright, the next step is to go to Target," Brianna stated.

"What? No! We already spent so much!"

"Alex insisted." Brianna commented, "You're very lucky to have him, you know!"

"I know, but something seems... I don't know, off." Maddy confided.

"What do you mean?" Brianna asked, turning towards Maddy. 

"Everyone seems to know him, and everyone seems to bow down to him in some way!"

"OH! That's.....Just cause he is a catch! Nothing more!"Brianna said, seemingly hiding something.

"A catch? We are just friends!"

"Oh? Has anyone told Alex?" Brianna said, "He looks at you like you are a queen!"

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Oh, yeah! I've never seen him look at anyone that way in all the years I've known him."

"Huh. I never noticed."

"Really? Cause the way you look at him, says otherwise."


"Yes! Now, let's go to this great place called John Lewis!"

By the time they were done in John Lewis, Maddy was hungry, so Brianna took her to Franklins. After they ate, they returned to the house, where there were a ton of boxes on the lawn- the furniture had come. They began to set up the rooms, room by room. They put the bedroom together first. After they got the bedroom set, they moved on to the living room, kitchen, and other rooms. They finished the rooms around 6 pm. 

"Thank you, so much for today, Brianna! I could not have done this without you." Maddy said as Brianna was grabbing her things.

"Of course! I was happy to help!" She replied, "In fact, here is my number, call me if you need any more help."

"Ok! Thank you!" Maddy said, walking Brianna to the door, I'll definitely call you, 'cause I HAVE to change these walls!"

"Ha! Alright, see you soon!"

A/N Comment if you like and ideas for future Chapters.

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