Chapter 19: So Much Studying!

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After Thanksgiving, we students got into go mode. We have so much homework that we barely have time to do anything else. Plus we don't know what will be on midterms and asking our professors doesn't really help. We'll know when we see the exam is what they always say which doesn't help at all. The one I'm worried about most is potions. Who knows what the punishment will be if we make a mistake? The idea stresses me out for sure.

We do get the week before midterms to spend time studying. I know a lot of students will be messing around and only studying on the last day, but I have to focus. I don't want to end up with weird colored hair or something else weird on me! I wanna go home relieved to know I passed and can enjoy my Christmas break. It's my favorite time of year and my birthday too.

When it starts, Scar suggests that we go out for fresh air after only a day. "Fresh air will do us well some good!" However, Chris and I know she just wants to goof off. "No, we need to study. You have a lot of potion classes so you better know what all the recipes are!" Chris says firmly while Scar sighs. "Aww but Crystal, I'm bored!" She whines. "And I already memorized all the potions and stuff. I love it so much, I did it the first week we were here..." she pouts and huffs a bit while glaring down at her textbook.

I sigh and shake my head. If she really did, it wouldn't surprise me. Poor Scar does have a low attention span so all this study must be driving her nuts. It's honestly having me nuts too! It has to be done though. I promised momma I would get at least all B's but I want to try and get mostly A's.

After three days though, I want to scrap the idea because this headache won't go away!

"Come on, girls! You're going to turn white as ghosts soon! It's snowing out so come out and have some fun!" Scar had given up on studying as much as us starting day two. Chris frowns but sighs. "Fine... if we stay in here the whole time, we're going to short circuit..." she mutters and stands up rubbing one of her eyes. If Chris is getting this way, then it must be bad so I stand too feeling dizzy. Only eating fruits and snacks isn't doing me any good either.

"Finally!" Scar squeals making me wince from my headache and helps us get ready to go out in the snow. The three of us walk out with Scar skipping on ahead and Chris and I dragging behind her. The light of day makes us both wince but seeing the courtyard all snowy is awesome. Winter is my favorite time of year so all the snow just makes me smile brightly. Scar is probably right, that we needed this badly. It feels wrong to play when we have such hard exams coming up, but it's also so much fun to finally have a break as I run off into the snow and start to play. Scar grins and throws a snowball at me.

After a while, even Chris joins in and we all giggle pelting each other with snowballs. The dull ache in my head remains but I feel so much better after this little breather. Even Chris who's so serious about studying looks more at ease now. The three of us plop into the snow and giggle happily.

"Well, what do we have here?" I tense hearing a familiar voice and sit up. Old Professor Kelp watches us while leaning on his cane. "I didn't expect to see you two out here. You seemed very determined to pass... maybe you needed a breather but don't take too long of one. You'll lose all your knowledge that way." With that, he limps away leaving the three of us alone. That anxiety of not passing comes back to me. Seeing Professor Kelp makes me dread whatever punishment we might get!

"Take it easy girls," Scar says after observing us. "He comes out here all the time and never once spoke to me. He knows I'm good, but don't let yourself overthink things! You'll mess up more that way. Take it easy and relax... there's no point in freaking out over nothing." She says firmly.

I swallow hard and try to feel reassured by it, but the look on Chris' face tells me she's thinking the same thing. I sigh a bit and know it's time to go back into the dungeon that is our room. We wasted a couple of hours playing, but I dread the idea of going back so soon. I need to think of something... oh right!

"Um... why don't we go eat in the mess hall?" I suggest. As if answering us, our stomachs growl and we all giggle again. "Yeah... good idea. I can't live off fruit and muffins anymore!" Chris says and we head to the mess hall so we can have some good brain food. Maybe if I eat right this headache will go away! I can dream, right?



Sitting in Jason's office, I'm going over some flashcards with him. He volunteered to help me study so here we were. I feel my headache a bit, but I'm able to ignore it. Jason isn't going over hard things with me after all! Most of my exams will be casting spells with two written ones in fundamentals and history. My exam for magic creatures is going to be more of a pick-and-choose with choosing the right names that go with the picture of that creature. It's also something I'm ok with, but I'm still nervous.

"Ok let's go over some history questions now." Jason's voice brings me out of my thoughts. "Oh... sure! Sounds good." I say and relax. I am very nervous about exams, but having a good friend helping out is nice. Brandon can't help because he's taking different courses and he's in a different school. I'll be able to see him in a little over a week though which makes me excited. Maybe we can make a snowman together if it stays snowy! That'd be so much fun.

Jason nods and starts to give some information. "So the school founder had many right hands one being named Kimberly Willowbrooke." I tense and look at him with wide eyes. No... it can't be... "During the first big war when the Dark One first appeared, Kimberly was killed sacrificing herself to save everyone in the school during a big party. This war happened during the 1700s. What was the war called?"

My mind is racing. That lady I met during Halloween... she told me her name was Kimberly Willowbrooke. I don't remember hearing anything about this in history though! Was this a practice question? I'm not doing well on assignments getting C's which is better than I thought I'd do but still! Was it just a coincidence? Yes... it has to be! My hands tremble a bit as I don't know what to say.

Jason looks up at me. "Hey... are you alright?" He sounds very concerned. "H-huh? O-oh... yeah... I'm fine uh..." My mouth feels dry. There's no way I saw a ghost... she looked normal to me! She wasn't see-through or anything like that. "Uh... the... Sand Dragon War?" I ask just guessing at this point as I can really think of the question. Jason tilts his head. "Close... the Dark Ocean War. That one happens next though." He smiles at me. I hate those knowing eyes at the moment. He always seems to read my mind and see right through me.

"You can tell me anything. As you know I'm very knowledgeable about things." Jason says gently while I look at my lap. I hesitate for a while. "..." I look down and swallow hard. Sure... why not? He's never judged me before. "T-that name... Kimberly... I-I met a lady with that name... at the masquerade ball." I finally admit. Jason looks taken aback. "Oh? Did you now?" He watches me looking thoughtful. I shift a bit while he seems lost in thought.

"Describe her for me. Maybe I saw her at the party." Jason prompts me and I swallow again. "S-she was tall... very pretty... she had on a fancy mask with some gems... and a fancy green dress too. Her shoes... clicked like high heels." As I try to think of ways to describe her, Jason tilts his head. "And how did she talk? Like us? Or some other way." I frown. "It was... strange. Funny even... using older sounding words but she looked young... hey! Maybe it was a costume." I suggest my eyes wide.

Jason doesn't say anything and just seems deep in thought. The silence from him makes me nervous and I shift about in my chair. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything... but then he seems to notice my discomfort. "Oh sorry. Yes... maybe so." He says but I don't think he agrees. The back of my neck sweats a bit. There's no way I saw a ghost... my magic isn't that strong! I'm only ahead because I'm Akana's only student.

"Anyway..." Jason seems to put this thought away, but I can't read his expression. "Let's move on shall we?" He smiles at me. I nod slowly and swallow hard.

Sometimes I think he finds me so interesting. After hearing I can hear spells as simple words and that I seem to have two magic hands, he looks ready to research everything. It's a bit weird, but he always looks excited. Maybe I'm just very interesting to him? I have no idea.

As Jason moves on to the next study question, my mind is elsewhere. Why did I see someone named Kimberly Willowbrooke? Was it just someone pretending to be her? Is she a famous witch or something? Maybe I can look into it during winter break...

Well until then, I need to focus. I don't want to disappoint my father by failing all my exams! I'm not like Simon who is extra smart and passes all his exams and assignments with straight A's but I can work hard to do my best. That should count for something!

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now