Chapter 40: Can't Return Home?

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I follow Father quietly. I've never been to this part of the school and it makes me nervous. "Where are we going, Professor Moonfall?" Brandon breaks the silence. "I've never been here before."

"We're going to be talking in Magnolia's office. It took a lot of coaxing to get the Rose's to come but it's very important for all of us." Father looks back at us then his eyes fall on me. "Because of who you are... and what I did, let's just say we're in danger." He looks forward again while my heart pounds in my chest.

In danger? Before I ask, Brandon frowns and says. "Because of the Dark One lurking about? I mean makes sense... and you took Ari away so they'd be angry at you too." Father snorts and chuckles. "That's a very simple way to put it." He mutters. I look down and frown. Father's in danger? I didn't even think about that.

As we walk down a hall to a big and strangely pink door, it opens up, and inside at the desk is Headmaster Magnolia. Standing in front of her desk is Akana and Phoenix. I don't see Ally anywhere but I vaguely remember her sitting with her two roommates in the mess hall. As we come inside, to the side I see Simon... and Mother. I tense seeing her cold stare and look away quickly. She looks well... but she still hates me. She hasn't changed one bit.

The room is all pink too with pictures of all the professors here at Raven's. Some I don't know but since Father is among them, I assume they teach the dark arts students. I see so many books too though some are in languages I've never seen before.

Phoenix's eyes flash seeing us come in. "What is this about?" He asks bluntly his big, tattooed arms flexing. He really doesn't want to be here. Headmaster Magnolia sighs softly. "Patience, Phoenix..." he glares at her and holds Akana's hand. We stand in silence for a long time but soon Jason comes through the doors with Ally by his side.

"Oh hi!" She goes over to her parents and then looks at me puzzled. "Why are you over there, Ariel?" I realize that I've stayed next to Father still hand in hand with Brandon. I hesitate and then look away. How can I tell her it feels natural to stand next to the man who raised me?

"Now that everyone is here, let me explain what's going on." Headmaster Magnolia speaks again. "As you know, the Dark One knows of Ariel's true identity. Therefore, everyone associated with him is in danger." She smiles sadly seeing my reaction. I feel sick to my stomach and cold. "That is why I would like both the Moonfall's and the Rose's to stay close to Raven's. We have prepared homes for you all during the summer break."

"What?" Ally gasps. "We can't return home? Like at all?!" She looks pale and sad. I guess she was looking forward to going home and relaxing for the summer... what would I be doing? Most of the time, I'd just be doing chores and staying out of everyone's way... anything to stay out of the punishment room.

Being in danger though... is that why Mother is here too? When I look over to her, I see her look of annoyance and disgust. Shuddering, I look away and feel Brandon squeezing my hand. I'm glad he's here... wait. "W-what about... Brandon... and Jason? T-they must know they're my friends!" My heart pounds in my chest. I can't let anything bad happen to them just because they're my friends!

Headmaster Magnolia nods. "We would like to request Assistant Hill to stay behind as well. Of course, I believe he's going to be doing some summer work at Raven's anyway so no worries. As for Brandon... we need permission from his guardian."

Brandon nods. "I live with a nice older lady named Izzy. If you can bring her here, then it should be all good." I look over to him. He doesn't have any parents? I never really asked about his home life... maybe I should later on. Headmaster Magnolia nods. "I'll reach out to her then and see if she'd like to stay here over break for protection."

I stay quiet for a while. "... Who do I go home to?" I finally ask. "What do you mean? We're your family!" Ally says rather loudly which makes me wince. Mother laughs and shakes her head. "You were never my son. You were the double-gendered freak who replaced my real son. I had no say in it at all." I tense at her words. They always hurt my heart but what does she mean? Double gendered? No, I'm a boy!

Akana freezes. "Don't you dare touch about my son that way!" He clenches his fists. Mother looks him in the eye. "Oh, that's right! You're the same way, aren't you? It's revolting honestly. How can you stand yourself?" Phoenix stands in front of his wife and growls. "Fuck off lady!" I wince when he says a vulgar word. I heard them a lot while watching those bad movies.

"Don't talk nonsense about my husband and my kid. If anyone is a disgusting freak, it's you for abuses him and makes him feel lower than dirt! Do you think you're big and bad? You're nothing but trash." Phoenix's eyes flash red but Akana stops him from moving forward. "Enough... people like her aren't worth it. Now I know who harmed our son... it's ok."

Phoenix growls but steps back. Mother snorts but says nothing more. Headmaster Magnolia watches me. "Who do you want to go home to? Of course, the adults have to agree... but where is home to you?" I look down as all eyes turn on me. "..."

I honestly have no idea where home is. I've always lived as a Moonfall but now I know I'm not. The Rose's are my birth family but... I haven't known them for even a year. I feel like my heart is being torn in two and it makes tears come to my eyes. Where do I go? Where do I even belong?

Then a voice speaks up. "Why doesn't he stay with me?" I tense and look up in surprise. Jason? He smiles at me and then speaks again. "I am a family friend of the Rose's. They can come and visit anytime they want and spend time with Ari. And while I refuse to let Nina and Simon come over to my place..." I tense but look over to see the dirty looks they're giving me. The look on Simon's face makes my skin crawl... he reminds me of Sebastian at that moment.

"I will allow Silas to come over as long as I'm there." Jason finishes. "Is that possible? I will be coming to Raven's anyway and have a place rented out. Two bedrooms because it was all that was open at the time." Headmaster Magnolia looks thoughtful. "That could work... is that alright with you, Ariel?"

I'm put on the spot again. This time though... it feels right. This is the perfect solution. Out of everyone here, I trust Jason the most. He was on my side before everyone else. I can get to know them without being overwhelmed and if Father wants to see me... he can.

I swallow hard and make my decision. "... I would like that best. I don't... think I'll be safe with the Moonfall's... and I don't know how to act around the Rose's. Jason has been there for me from the beginning... this wand-choosing even." I take a deep breath. After saying it, I know it's the right decision. "So please allow me to stay with Jason for the summer." I dip my head politely.

Headmaster Magnolia smiles. "Then it's settled. Ariel will stay with Assistant Hill for the time being. Only Silas can visit from the Moonfall's and the Rose's can come to visit as they please." She nods to Brandon. "I will contact your guardian and get permission for you to stay as well." He dips his head. "I am grateful. Thank you."

"Alright. It's officially the end of your first year here. I hope you all are excited for your second year to begin." She tells us and smiles. I take a deep breath. That's right... as scared as I was, I survived my first year here and even made friends along the way, something I didn't think was possible. As we leave the office, I can see that Ally is disappointed. I'm sorry Ally... but I need to get to know you all better so I can say we're a family.

Brandon squeezes my hand and smiles. I hope he stays safe too... but since he'll hopefully be staying at Raven's, nothing should happen to him. Looking over to Jason, I'm happy to have an amazing and understanding friend in him. He'll be a professor in a year or so... hopefully, though, he'll keep allowing me to call him just Jason.

I take a deep breath. I can't believe I'm Ariel Rose... I don't feel special or like a chosen one. I feel the same as I did when I was just Samson Moonfall. Should I feel special? I have no idea. I just want peace... all the stress of being seen as special will make me go crazy. For now though... I want to enjoy the peace. Get to know my birth parents... and hope that Father won't completely abandon me now that I'm not a Moonfall anymore.

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