Chapter 1

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*Note, this takes place after book 15's epilogue and the whole Jerboa breaking magic didn't happen

Moon was nervous, as she paced her cave in Jade Mountain. I have to tell them, she thought, but how? She stopped pacing and winced as a headache pierced through her head. Her friends staring at the map that shows the way across the ocean. Them arriving at the central island. Walking down a dark hallway with carvings of all the ten tribes. Finding a gold door with ten talon prints around the ruby doorknob. Hmm. The door's new. She finally decided it was time to just tell them. It would take awhile since she'd have to send messages to Pantala for Luna, Swordtail, Sundew, Willow, Blue, and Cricket. The others she'd take care of.

"Alright," she muttered "let's round up the gang."


Two weeks later, they were all in the Prey Center catching up with old friends. It had been a full year since they'd all seen each other after all. After making sure everyone was there she flapped her wings to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone, I have an announcement," she declared " I've had another vision!"

Everyone around groaned, all they wanted was a nice, chaotic free life with the ones they loved. Most of them were either married or dating. Clay and Peril were first, with Tsunami and Riptide soon after. Glory would never admit it, but Deathbringer claims that she went full pink when he proposed. Starflight and Fatespeaker had gotten married two weeks ago and were still on their honeymoon. 

Moon and Qibli(Don't kill me, but I've got Winter with someone else), along with Turtle and Kinkajou, have been  dating for a few months. Willow and Sundew had made a tree hut next to Luna's and Swordtails. As for Blue and Cricket, they were planning on getting married in about two years. Winter and Lynx had just started dating, although bumpy they were definitely getting somewhere.

"I need nine other dragons to come with me, one from each tribe." , Moon said. "They're someone we need to find."

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