Chapter 6

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A/N: Does Bombardier have any venom? I'm just gonna hope he does.

Bombardier POV

Bombardier was furious. That's all he could sum up about how he was feeling while pacing across the small clearing where he slept. Cricket had fallen for a SilkWing. That was crazy! He couldn't believe it. He wouldn't believe it. He must have done something to her, he concluded, like, drugged her or blackmailed her or something. He knew he'd have to help her somehow, but how? He started to wish he had paid more attention in science class. What type of plants counteract drugs? , he thought. Or, theory two. Blackmail. What could he blackmail her into? Wait, didn't they go off alone and work together to stop Wasp? Did something happen then that he could use against her? But what, and how do I stop him?

There was only one way he could think of, and if he killed the guy, then Cricket would come crawling to him, thanking him and begging that he take her back. He grinned to himself as a plan started forming in his head. He'd wait for the whole group to fall asleep, and then he'd creep up on the blue SilkWing and BAM. No more Blue, just him and Cricket. He sat and quickly grabbed a smooth rock in the ground and started sharpening his claws. All he had to do was scratch him, and his venom would have him dead in minutes. As he sharpened, a thought started creeping in that he didn't like, so he ignored it. There was no way that  had actually fallen in love with a Silkwing, of all creatures. He was right, he knew in his bones he had to be right. Why did I always push her away? , he wondered, We could have been dating by now and that SilkWing would have never tried to steal Cricket from me. 

But where did this stalking come from, he wondered. I mean sure I follow her places, but that's just to make sure she's safe, but that sure didn't work genius. He set down the rock and stalked off towards their temporary camp. The trees were thick and choked with vines on this island, making it easy to sneak up on them but hard to fly. He decided to even though it would take longer. As he navigated through the trees, he heard the sounds of a conversation coming from up ahead and slowed down. Before he came within hearing distance, he came to a spot of dead leaves. If he had been paying attention to where he was walking and not to the conversation, then he might have not tread across them. Since he didn't, as he was in the middle of the dead leaves, he heard a snap, crack, and he fell through the earth with a shriek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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