Chapter Two

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The sunlight beat down relentlessly on the weathered cobblestone path that Grace tread upon as she navigated the winding streets of Padserae

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The sunlight beat down relentlessly on the weathered cobblestone path that Grace tread upon as she navigated the winding streets of Padserae.

Nestled in a remote corner of the world, the town exuded an air of mystery and intrigue. Here, supernatural beings, subjects of the formidable demon king, lived discreetly, hidden from the prying eyes of ordinary humans.

Padserae was a peculiar blend of creatures - werewolves prowling the alleys with silent steps, vampires lingering in the shadows like whispers of the night, and demons seamlessly blending into the bustling crowd. To an outsider's eye, it might have seemed like any other town teeming with life. The streets buzzed with activity as merchants flaunted their wares and laborers rushed to their duties. Yet, hints of its supernatural denizens peeked out; shops discreetly offering vials of animal blood nestled among everyday stores, and secluded corners where werewolves and demons could shift forms without fear.

All appeared normal until a few months ago.

Now, the town lay in a hushed stillness, its cobblestone streets almost deserted, save for the chilling spectacle of rotting corpses hanging from iron railings and wooden posts. Malevolent signs, inscribed with the draconian decrees of the Elite aimed at purging all things supernatural, were viciously affixed to entrances and walls of crumbled buildings.

Grace navigated the desolate landscape with cautious steps, her eyes capturing every detail of devastation that sprawled before her.

The remnants of destruction and sorrow whispered tales of woe, each broken structure echoing a tragic narrative. The burden of culpability pressed down on her, a heavy cloak she couldn't shake off, for she felt intertwined with the calamity that had ravaged this once-thriving land.

The Elite's relentless pursuit of power had swiftly honed in on Padserae as their primary objective, their decisive strike following the overthrow of the human monarchy. It was a night etched in history when the demon king and the human ruler brokered an unprecedented pact to merge supernatural beings with mortals, ushering in a cataclysmic wave of discord and upheaval.

The Elite, a covert assembly of humans who harbored an intense aversion towards anything beyond the natural realm, conducted their operations with precision in the hidden corners of society. Deliberately planning their imminent attack, they left no detail unchecked.

Even though numerous months had elapsed since their brutal mission to obliterate all supernatural entities, Padserae stood as a grim testament to their ferocity.

The city bore the scars of their conflict - its once vibrant streets now lay in ruin, still emitting wisps of smoke from the fallen of both sides.

Grace rounded the bend, her boots crushing the remnants of shattered glass and rusted metal scattered across the cracked pavement.

The narrow alley she ventured into was hemmed in by crumbling facades of buildings that seemed to defy gravity, threatening to topple at any moment. Stopping next to a particularly weather-beaten structure, she paused briefly before striding forward with unwavering determination. In a surreal display of defiance against reality, she effortlessly glided through the seemingly solid walls, as if they were mere illusions in the bleak urban panorama.

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