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"... he's such a fuckin' prick! First he kills me, now I'm forced to stay in this shitty-ass hotel? As if I need to be redeemed! I'm Adam! The first fucking man!" The former angel sat at the bar, drunkenly ranting to the disinterested bartender as his drink was refilled. He was killed by the freaky maid of the 'Hazbin Hotel' (an awful name, in his opinion) before reappearing in Hell, in which Lucifer's daughter had then 'invited' him to stay. He wouldn't have agreed if there wasn't a small part of him that hoped he could go back to Heaven through redemption– as if he needed redemption in the first place.

"No one forced you to be here," the feline bartender muttered, sliding a glass of whiskey towards Adam once more. "Maybe we'd be better off if you weren't." Adam had only been at the bar for an hour at most, and Husk was already considering cutting him off. Not that Adam had drunk too much, but because he was so. Fucking. Annoying.

"Fuckin' asshole," Adam grumbled in response, downing his drink before slamming the glass down– causing Husk to jump slightly– before standing up from where he sat. He didn't exactly have a plan on where he would go, other than away from the bar before Husk came up with an insult that Adam wouldn't have a retort for. He wasn't as drunk as he wanted to be, but he was drunk enough not to care at this point. All he knew was that he was pissed off and drunk, and he needed to lash out on someone who wasn't the guy pouring his drinks.

After flipping Husk off in an oh-so-elegant manner, Adam made his way to one of the upper floors of the hotel– not the floor his room was on, sure, but the hotel was empty enough that it didn't really matter. If anything, it just boosted Adam's ego; as he had told the princess, Hell is forever , and even if it wasn't, sinners didn't want to be redeemed. They were given free will, and look what they had done with it; why go from a place where they could do whatever the fuck they wanted to a place with an actual image to upkeep?

Adam's thoughts were cut off by familiar voices as he rounded the corner, and his mood instantaneously soured even further. He stopped in his tracks as he spotted Lucifer– king of Hell and the man who not only killed him, but also stole both of Adam's wives before that– talking to Vaggie, the fucking traitor who somehow managed to get cozy in the princess' bed after being ripped of her title as an exterminator.

Both of which being people that made Adam literally seethe with anger, and both of which he could reasonably beat the shit out of. Which he was going to, regardless of if he got in trouble or not.

Adam approached the two of them, who were too caught up in conversation to notice the pissed off former angel. He grabbed Lucifer's shoulder, digging his nails into the demon's clothing. Lucifer, clearly surprised, turned around only to be met with a punch to the face. The demon stumbled back, his golden blood beginning to leak from his nose and down his lips. "Ow?? What the fuck?" Lucifer said, clearly more confused than anything. Adam hadn't done much damage– he was nothing in comparison to Lucifer, especially now that he was in Hell; he was lacking his heavenly powers.

Vaggie was the first to act, however, as she grabbed Adam by the arm after the initial impact. She grimaced as she looked him up and down, her grip tightening on his wrist. "You reek of cheap whiskey," she commented, far too familiar with the smell after having Husker and Angel Dust in the hotel for so long. She then let go of Adam, returning her attention to Lucifer. She rested a hand on his shoulder for a moment.

"I'm fine, Maggie–"


"That's what I said," Lucifer stood up straight, wiping away the blood with his thumb and nothing more than a soft frown. He rolled his shoulders back. "I suppose we can discuss the hotel later. You can go now."

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐃 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄'𝐒 𝐀 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌 - adamsappleWhere stories live. Discover now