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Takes place before Fluffy and Sky started dating, Sky is currently in prison for four years.

Sky is an mobian fox with green eyes, cyan fur and blue hair. They wear a sleek, black leather jacket with a hood that they typically keep up to conceal their face. Sky is forced to wear prison shorts, but have kept their knee-high black/azure boots. Their fox-like mask is a high-tech gadget that they wear over their eyes and part of their face, with various functions such as enhanced vision and facial recognition technology.

Sky suffers from suppressed emotional trauma, making them independent, introverted, and preferring to work alone. They have a strong sense of justice and are skilled at stealth and combat. Despite their tough exterior, Sky has a soft spot for their partner, Fluffy, and cherishes the moments they share together.

Skilled in Shinobi arts, a criminal.


Jacob-Jacob is a mobian bird with teal feathers and an orange bill, he wears a standard prisoner outfit due to him being in jail. 

He is extremally nervous and jittery but means well. He was put on a life sentence for unknown reasons.

He verbally defended Sky in a prison fight when he was accused of starting the fight.

Is Gay but is very self conscious about it.



As the nervous prisoner approached, a sense of wariness flickered across Sky's features. His expression was guarded, his sharp gaze assessing the newcomer with a mix of caution and curiosity. The tension between them was palpable, the air thick with unspoken unease as the nervous prisoner ventured closer.

The nervous prisoner hesitated for a moment, his hands clenched nervously at his sides as he met Sky's piercing gaze. The fox's aura of strength and self-assurance seemed to unnerve him, his gaze flickering uncertainly as he struggled to find the right words to break the silence between them.

Sky's grip on the weights tightened slightly, his muscles straining with the effort of his workout as he watched the nervous prisoner with a keen sense of awareness. His demeanor was calm but watchful, a silent question hanging in the air as he waited for the man to speak.

Finally, the nervous prisoner mustered up the courage to address Sky, his voice hesitant but determined as he cleared his throat. "Hey... um, Archer, right?" he began, his tone tinged with a nervous tremor as he attempted to make conversation with the fox.

Sky's gaze remained fixed on the man, his expression unreadable as he acknowledged the nervous prisoner's words with a nod of affirmation. His guarded demeanor softened slightly, a flicker of curiosity sparking in his eyes as he waited for the man to continue.

"I-I just... wanted to say thank you. For... for what you did back there in the cafeteria. You know, standing up for yourself and all," the nervous prisoner stammered, his words stumbling over each other in a rush of gratitude and admiration. His eyes flickered with a mix of awe and respect as he spoke, a newfound sense of respect blossoming in his demeanor.

Sky stayed silent.

"My names Jacob." He said finally revealing his name.

Sky watched Jacob his gaze narrowed slightly, his green eyes scanning the nervous bird with a mix of suspicion and wariness. His sharp, calculating gaze seemed to pierce through Jacob's jittery exterior, assessing him with a silent intensity that hinted at a deep-rooted sense of caution. The tension in the air between them was palpable, with Sky's body language exuding a guarded and protective aura, as if expecting Jacob to have ulterior motives.

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