The beginning of an end.

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For most people, the idea of a reality where you have to fear to love may sound crazy or unrealistic, I mean love is supposed to be this joyful experience that people crave to feel, I mean that's how life used to be.. 
Although for me that's not the case anymore. 

But I think i'm getting ahead of myself.. let's start at the very beginning. I live in a world where love equals fear and anxiety and the thought makes some people sick- Oh well pardon me..

where are my manners. My name is Jason, i'm 25 years old I believe, you lose track after awhile since there is no birthday celebrations or anything of that sort, my "lovers" name is Ant and he is around the age of 23.  This is my diary.. yea funnnn.. having something to do when you whole world is full of nothing kinda helps you have a meaning to life. And if in 20 years someone from like a different planet or something finds this.. they will at least know it's not safe here and go back to their great planet or whatever. I found this book in some rubble with the group of cleaners I was running with for some time.. anyways back to my entry before I get distracted anymore.

This world was normal when I was a child, I mean it wasn't always this hell hole of a place. But I believe I should get to the reason everyone fears this world and loving other people even if they are blood, the shadows are why. The shadows kill those who love and those who feel the love for others. Although they only come out at night they kill about 30 people each night which doesn't seem like a lot to some people I mean 30 isnt that much right?.. but there isn't a huge population left so us who have made it need to be very careful with what we do.

Now to ant.. me and Ant have been best friends since childhood, we grew up together and made each other feel loved even in the hardest times, Ant knows I love him and I know he loves me back. But it's kinda hard to be in love at the end of the world.

You guys will know what that means soon enough but I should go for the night it's getting dark out and when it's dark it's hard to.. well stay alive but I've made it this far.

Till tomorrow random aliens who are reading this.

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