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04 | Horror; existence of capitalism

Fragments of the past, also known as memories, are something to be held dearly for someone. They come in various forms and contain feelings that shape who you are as a person. Memories make up who they are and factor greatly into the upbringing of an individual. Bitter, sweet, bitter-sweet, these fragments are what give someone a trademark of uniqueness, not even the power of a thousand gods can recreate.

The feeling of being lost is a journey no one would willingly go through. Stuck in a mental corn maze filled with dead ends reaching to find your purpose, your arms barely out of reach to your destination, almost in grasp - only for it to be an untangible mess.

Your mind felt no short of being blanketed by an everlasting fog, along with yourself being blindfolded - if that wasn't enough. The plane was smooth to the touch, with no sense of recognition in proximity. It was just you, and what little senses you have left. The scents you've grown to love, the sounds that make you perk up in familiarity.

It felt like you were just out of reach.

Learning to speak wasn't hard at all. Perhaps due to your amazing teacher, or maybe your muscles had the movement engraved within, despite having months gone by. During so, you were taught various things; including the history and current state of the nation you were residing in, Inazuma.

The land of the Electro Archon who seeks and expresses passion in pursuing eternity for her followers. The Raiden Shogun had the people of Inazuma clasped tightly in her palm. You either love her or hate her.

The difference of opinion regarding the woman of power is vaguely divided into parts of Inazuma. Well, that's what you were told at least. You could tell they were holding back on letting you in on finer details for whatever reason you chose not to pry.

As long as you have curry, you were alright.

Naturally, having seen you being fond of the chicken paste dish, Ayaka loved to give you curry at any given opportunity. She also saw you as a little sister, establishing a bond of siblinghood from the overwhelming amount of times she had to save you from getting in trouble with the other residents. Initially, they were reluctant to let you roam around the streets of Inazuma, especially in the closed off conditions that were in play.

"Come in." A soft voice rang out.

"My lady, we've discovered traces of energy in Miss Lumine's belongings." A soldier reported with his hands stiffly by his side, bowing.

Ayaka had assigned a special team tasked to find out more about you or your past, out of her own 'concern'. You were a blatant anomaly, a piece that didn't fit in the carefully thought-out game of puzzle The Shogun had constructed. Surely, upon laying eyes on you, the electro deity would strike you with power similar to a thousand thunder strikes assimilated into one blow.

Guaranteeing your safety also translates to learning more about you. So be it, the princess of the clan will ensure every little possibility be quelled, may each and every part of you examined and tested until they could reach a definite conclusion on your existence. The lengths she'd go to are boundless, knowing no point of ending; similar to the horizon.

She was doing this for your sake. That's what she told herself.

"Report your foundings." Ayaka commanded, taking the tone of voice regarding someone with high power. That she is.

"The soldiers monitoring the lady have repeatedly caught traces of dark matter wisping from her fingertips. It's theorized that the phenomenon is due to lack of awareness in herself." Standing directly facing his higher-up, he quickly fixed his uniform before delivering the details.

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