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3person pov.

After that unexpected meet they him most of every day but after his uni studies he got bussing with studying but little did he didnt knew is jihoon is already falling love with him... and no one stop loving his cute hamchi....🥺:-)

Back to present ...:-D

After the call with jun he saw chan came down and they had their breakfast and headed to chans hospital which belongs to wonwoo .

3 person pov
After chan enter his locker he headed towards to head doctor cabin he knock the door .

Chan pov

Sir you call me ..
Yes channie u have to attend lecture for joshua and give them lessons head doctor jeonghan said with full smile .
Ahhh hyung why me again .... chan said .
Okok dont liok at with me your pout face ... but you hve to he want you take care of it and you know that im busy here with this shits... jeonghan said with sighs ..
But hyung .. before he said something someone came inside .
Ohhh mr jeon good morning .
Good morning hyung dont call me mr jeon it my father not me..
Okok i wont what bring you here wonu.... 😏
Hmmm nothing just ahhh meet my friend lee seokmin .
Hii seokmin im jeonghan head doctor
Hihi i know lot about you said smiling ...
But how we just met..
Hahaa ok let me give you introduction im lee seokmin lee chan brother ...🙂
Ohh holy shit you look more handsome than what he told me.. but my baby didnt told me you look this handsome ....
Chan look at him with disgust ...
Ohhh you already adopted him....🤣🤣 but let me tell you he is so cute when he in home.
That ture wonwoo said .
Im not... chan said with pout three of them coo at him then they heard knock on the door .
Come in jeonghan said.
Sir doctor hong want meet doctor lee nurse said with flirt smile .
Chan go and dont said anything to him just do the lecture you know he is not healthy these days hmm.
Jeonghan said with a nod chan left from there.

What happen to him hyung ... wonwoo ask with concern .
He just got stress again and his stubborn ass didnt wont to get a week break . Its been while he didnt get any rest jeonghan said with sad tone.
I ll talk with him letter . Wonwoo said.
After some time wonwoo and seokmin left from there to meet his friends.

Just thought to update ...🤗
Plz enjoy
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