Announcement ....

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Ok so not an update ...

  i thought to delete wattpad ........

after finishing my main exams ill again download it and update all stories that i have started
so first im sorry for readers who this ff  and my others ...

Second it will take 5 months for finish it....
again im really sorry
i really got a mental breakdown just few minutes ago...
and im doing physics chemistry and biology as my subjects and i have really bad marks
so i decide to come up with thing i spent most of my time and get rid of them if it worthy to my studies
so.... i spent my time lot in here..

Ok again im sorry ....
Ill come once a while using wattpad web

So  byebye...... see u guys....

AAnd wish me luck guys

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AAnd wish me luck guys ..... oh goshhhh im crying now......

Bye bye 
Ur lovely authornim 🍒

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