| Ep 3 |

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The cafeteria is full of other students eating their lunches and chatting away. The lively conversations occurring around us was making it difficult to fall asleep. My chin rested on my palm as I closed my eyes, waiting for someone else to start up the conversation. None of us really hung out outside of school, aside from the twins and Ben and Aiden. The atmosphere was awkward and silent, no one in the mood to speak at the moment.

I was sat in between Aiden and Ben, and Ashlyn was at the edge of the table in her own little world. Logan and the twins sat on the opposite side. I lazily poke at my mashed potatoes before pushing the tray away, not feeling hungry. Taylor worriedly glances over at me and we lock eyes for a second. She quickly darts her eyes away, taking a bite of her food. I am about to fall asleep sitting up when Tyler speaks up suddenly,

"I think we should go back to Savannah."

We all stare at him like he's crazy. Savannah? That's a stupid suggestion. Logan responds, "I thought everyone agreed it was too dangerous...?"

I nod and point my fork in the blue-eyed boy's direction, "Logan's right, Tyler. I don't think it's a good idea to-"

"So what? We're just supposed to let things stay like they are?" He cuts me off, annoyed we aren't in agreement with him right now. I let out a sigh, not in the mood to argue with him for once.

"I'd rather be semi-stuck than permanently stuck." Ashlyn adds on quietly, glancing to the side.

Tyler leans forward in his seat, furrowing his brows, "Well maybe if you would have told us the truth from the beginning, we wouldn't be stuck at all!"

My eyes widen at his retort, "Tyler-!"

"I already explained why I didn't-" Ashlyn began before Aiden butted in,

"Aren't you one to talk," He looks over at a fuming Tyler, "You're the on that brushed it off as a prank and walked off."

I pursed my lips, remembering that day at Savannah. Aiden was right. Tyler has no right to speak when he didn't believe for a second that the events at the Sorrel Weed House were legit. Aiden continues,

"If she had said anything, would you have even believed her?" He pauses to take a bite of his food before slowly glancing over at the irritated brunette, "With your personality, I seriously doubt it."

I sharply inhale at the backhanded comment and slowly raise myself up from the table, ready to defend my friend, "Alright, you didn't have to say-"

I flinch when Tyler slams his hands down on the table, standing up, "Whether I would have believed it or not, she should have said something! Now we're stuck in some demonic dimension, running away from flesh-eating deadly creatures," I feel myself becoming overwhelmed at his outburst, taking in every word,

"I've lost count how many near-death experiences I've had," He goes on, "None of us have slept in days. We can't tell our parents or any—"


Ben crashes his fist down on the table, immediately silencing Tyler. He brings a finger up to his lips to shut him up. I watch as Tyler sinks back down into his seat, his voice now much lower than before,

"If we don't go back to Savannah where this cycle begun...then what else are we supposed to do?"

We all stare at each other blankly. I reachacross the table for Tyler's hand. I feel him tense under my hold beforepulling away. I frown, glancing over at Taylor, who's wearing the sameexpression as me.

𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 | Tyler x Reader | School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now