| Ep 77 |

838 40 35

"And you are positive he's going to hurt Tyler?" Ashlyn asks from where she stood against the wall, running a hand through her shoulder-length waves.

I let out an exasperated sigh, wiping away the tears that had been staining my cheeks for the past few minutes. I was explaining my encounter with my dad, knowing it would do no good if I kept all of this to myself.

"For the last time, yes...why else would he say all of those things?"

Tyler, who's sat right beside me, gently takes my hand in his and says to me in an uncharacteristically soft tone, "Hey, I won't let him hurt me, alright?"

"Don't make promises you can't keep~" Aiden says in a sing-song voice.

Ben aggressively nudges his side, making him huff out and shut up.

I shake my head, running a hand through my hair, "I don't know what to do with him..."

Taylor, who was beginning to comb her fingers through Ashlyn's hair, says, "Let's focus on one thing at a time, Y/N. The last thing we need is for you to get overwhelmed. I doubt your dad will try anything with Tyler, especially with how heavily secured our rooms are. There's no way he can get away with harming one of their 'test subjects'."

"Do you think if Y/N tells Alex, he might help keep her dad away from her and Tyler?" Logan asks while he taps and smacks the inactive phone in his hand.

"How can we be sure he'll even listen? Alex doesn't seem to have much of a voice around here." Aiden questions as he helps Taylor tie Ashlyn's hair back.

Ben taps away at his phone, allowing the text-to-speech voice to come through, "He clearly has enough power to be walking around with a high-access card."

I watch as he kneels down in front of Tyler and begins to re-patch his wounds. Tyler raises his arm so Ben can cut the ends of the bandage. He then says through gritted teeth, "...How did Alex get a high-access card anyway?"

"He said his friend had been the one to find the owner of the card in a coma, "Ashlyn answers, tilting her head down to allow Tay and Aiden to do her hair, "Alex's note said he had asked them to sneak it for him."

Alex and Ashlyn had figured out a way to secretly communicate right under the staff's noses. They have yet to have been suspected, making Alex our most trusted source of entail at the moment. I hate to admit it, but we might've underestimated Alex's reliability.

"Maybe I'll make him a bracelet too, as thanks." Taylor smiles happily, pulling at the strands of Ash's hair.

Once Ashlyn's hair is successfully pulled back into a half-up half-down style, we all huddle around the laptop Aiden opens, showing the information on Alex's card.

I look over Tyler's shoulder to get a view of the screen, at least as best as I could. He was holding up an ice pack to my now-bruised cheek, one Logan snagged from another room. He almost lost it when I told him what the bruising was from, but he eventually cooled off and began trying to calm the inflammation.

Ashlyn crosses her arms, squinting to read what's on the screen in front of Aiden, "So where all does it have access too?"

Aiden, who's sat on the floor in front of the laptop, looks through it while Ben patches up his cousin's face, "Well, he seems to be pretty high up so there aren't many places it doesn't have access actually...Most importantly, we can get to the generators and to where our parents are."

I nod, "Good, now we can start mapping the place out and get out of here."

Taylor, who's grinning down at the blonde, adds, "We should have races! You know, to help memorize the routes and find which ones are faster?"

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