| Ep 7 |

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I stare at the unsigned permission slip in my hands. My overnight bag is already packed and ready to go even though the trip isn't until the end of the week. I walk out of my bedroom with the salmon-colored paper in hand and head downstairs. My mom is quietly sitting at the dining table reading a novel. She looks up from her book when she spots me at the bottom steps,

"Hey, honey," She must've noticed the folded paper in my hands, "What's that?"

I walk over and sit myself down on the chair beside her, "It's um-"

My mom has always been overprotective, so I felt she would handle this field trip badly. I take a deep breath and unfold the paper, showing it to her. I slide it over the table and read every expression she makes as her eyes linger over the sheet.

"A field trip?"

I nod, "It's for history. We're doing this project and-" I begin, a little excited to share the details.

"Y/N, you know how I feel about these things. And its overnight?" She asks with furrowed brows, reading over the paper again and again. I look to the side in disappointment, watching all of my plans with Taylor and Tyler slip away.

"But my entire group is going. Savannah isn't even that far." I try to justify the situation, only earning a sigh from her, "There'll be chaperones too!"

"I don't know, honey." She answers simply, sliding the permission slip back over to me. I slouch in my chair in defeat as I watch her rise up from hers.

I follow her into the kitchen, watching her open the fridge and take two sodas out for us. She hands me one and I just look at her with a disappointed look, "Mom..."

"I said I don't know!" I flinch when she snaps. She notices immediately and sets her can down, "Dammit, I'm sorry..."

She walks over to me and brings me close to her chest, stroking my hair gently. I just stare blankly at the floor, crumbling up the slip in my hand. I pull away from her embrace and say,

"I knew you'd say no. I don't even know why I bothered asking." My voice comes out soft, yet defensive. I run back up the stairs, tossing the crumbled paper on my desk. I jump in bed and bury myself in the covers until I drift off to sleep.

I wake up several hours later to my phone buzzing in my pocket. I poke my head out from under the sheets and turn my phone on to read the contact lighting up my screen,

Ty :)

I answer the call and raise the phone to my ear. I tiredly rub my eyes and speak, "Hello?"

I hear some rustling in the background before Tyler's voice floods my ear, "Shit, were you asleep?"

I sit up and clear my throat, "Just napping, what's up?"

"Sorry, I was just checking in to see if you got the 'ok' for Savannah." He asks, his tone sounding obviously guilting for disrupting my nap.

I sigh at the reminder of my encounter with my mom earlier, "Yeah, that didn't go well."

I hear him let out a sigh and then a Taylor's muffled voice in the background, but I couldn't comprehend what she was saying. I raise my brow and smile, "I'm on speaker, aren't I?"

"Yup." I hear him say with a chuckle. Taylor then butts in to say hi and I laugh.

Tay then says with a pitiful tone, "Awe, Ms. L/N said no?"

"Hard no."

Tyler scoffs in the background before saying, "We'll be there in ten."

I widen my eyes, raising the phone up closer to my ear, "Huh?! Ty, you can't-"

𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 | Tyler x Reader | School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now