Chapter 3: Partiality

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(Anna's narration)

I know that due to stress, Emily's acting up. Why is it that older members of the family think that they have the right to take their frustration on the younger ones? Mom and Dad were enough. And now Emily's doing it. I wish they would all collectively disappear from my life! Mom and Dad will go back to London. But Emily? She is staying back. Even her ghost wouldn't leave Dreamstale City.

The atmosphere of this dining room doesn't feel so good right now. I can feel it. It's the calm before the storm. We are eating in silence, occasionally eyeing each other. The silence feels oppressive. Only the clinking of cutlery is reaching my ears. We dine in silence. The disagreements can wait after we finish dining. No one shall leave the dining room with an empty stomach. The food should not go to waste.

It feels like everyone is slowly eating, postponing the inevitable unpleasant conversation that is about to happen.

I am observing everyone, trying to understand what's going on in their minds. Mom is looking at the clock. Dad is focused on the food as if scrutinising the possible ingredients used in the food. Emily's face is unreadable, but I can see her clenching her jaw and gripping the fork so hard that her knuckles become white. When she looked at me, I gave her a reassuring nod. I'll support her just like she supports me.

After a very long dinner, Dad took the initiative to start the conversation.

Dad: It's been a long since I've returned to Dreamstale City, my old hometown. It's still the same.

Anna: It is! Isnt it?

I swallow nervously. What am I saying? Am I out of my mind? Dad just nodded.

Mom: The weather is quite beautiful here! Winter Solstice is near!

She looked at me and smiled warmly. I missed her so much! Can't say the same about Dad. His brow twitched. Not good. Not good at all. After a short yet significantly heavy pause Mom continued.

Mom: The town and Dreamstale City Amusement Park look lovely. I have heard that you are the one who supervised it.

I felt enthusiastic and replied eagerly.

Anna: Yes, mom. I was afraid that I'd mess it up. I was nervous. After a lot of brainstorming, I came up with this idea. It turned out to be more gorgeous than I initially expected!

Dad: Brainstorming you say! Do you even have a brain to begin with? Even a child could easily do it.

Anna: I spent a lot of time to form this idea.

Dad: If only you spent this time doing something productive. It's a waste of time, effort and money.

Anna: I am getting paid for this, Dad. Once the tourists start arriving, I'd get a raise.

Dad: Nonsense! You can barely pay tax. Your sister is doing all the hard work. You wasted your degree in microbiology.

Anna: I did say that I want to join art college!

Dad: And waste my money on useless stuff!

I am losing my calm. I am having trouble containing my anger. Dad continued.

Dad: Why am I even saying this to you? You have no real talent. I had hoped you'd learn from your sister and change your mind. But it was useless. Emily, on the other hand, is a rare gem. She's even better than me! ( he looked at Emily) I am truly proud of you! You are my true successor! I wish you were my only child!

That's it! I tried really, Really, REALLY hard to control my emotions! He crossed the limit. So I stood up and banged my hand on the table with such force that I broke my dinner plate. and then began the real war.

Anna: Of course regret raising me! you wasted your time effort and energy on me - the idiot with no goal. Every time you talk to us, you praise Emily. She's a real gem.

I looked at her with disdain. She looked at me with horror. I kept looking at her and said, "Congratulations! For shining so bright. Too bright to peer into the darkness..."

Emily: Anna, calm down, you are angry but anger does more harm than good"

Anna: What am I? A nobody! A useless human being "with no real talent"

I looked at my dad and said in a loud voice,

"Admit it! You want me dead!"

Dad stood up and looked at me for a long time. Then he slapped me hard. He looks at me with such hatred! He truly wants to get rid of me. I felt humiliated so I stormed out of the house. I heard my sister calling my name but I didn't care, I just left.

(Emily's narration)

I kept calling her name but she didn't even look back. I am worried about her. I must find her before she does some reckless.

I looked at Dad. He looked sad but soon his face became unreadable. He calmly got up, took his place to the sink and washed it. then he left the dining room. Mom looked at me. I nodded and left the house, searching for her. I hope that she is safe.

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