First Kick (Pregnancy Series Matt)

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I was lounging by the pool with Matt, Skeet and the kids. "So aunt y/n has the baby been moving around a lot yet?" Naiia asked, I smiled but shook my head "not yet that I can feel anyway." I said. The kids were laughing and having fun as Matt, Skeet and I were sitting on the lounge chairs. I sipped my water placing my hand on my bump only to feel a small push to my hand, I gasped causing Matt and Skeet to look at me "what's wrong?" Matt asked. I looked at him with tears in my eyes "the baby kicked." I whispered, both men gasped before rushing to get out of their seats. The kids looked over at us "mom you okay?" Macey called. I nod "yeah, just the baby is kicking." I called back causing the kids to all swim to the ladder and try to climb up "hey out of the way." Addi said trying to climb up only to have Macey and Naiia pull her back "I want to feel my little cousin kick." Jakob said as he hoped onto the edge. Matt placed his hand on my bump "I don't feel anything." He said with a pout. Skeet grinned "holy shit, that's so cool." He said as he felt the kick, Matt glared pushing the man's hand away placing his hand where Skeet's was. He grinned feeling the kick "wow." He whispered. The five kids rushed over wanting to feel as well Matt moved so the kids could feel, Addi teared up "this is so cool." She said as I placed my hand on hers. The other kids grinned as they felt the kicks. I smiled as we all sat together, "so when do you find out the gender?" Skeet asked I chuckled "we aren't, you are." I said causing him to pale.

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