Gender Reveal (Pregnancy Series Matt)

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Matt and I let Skeet be in charge of knowing the gender. To say I was nervous was an understatement, Matt and I got changed into all-white clothing along with the kids per Skeet's request. I put on my flats since I was starting to get a belly which made it harder to tie up my shoelaces. Matt grabbed his phone and his keys "All right let's hit the road." he called hearing the kids rushing down the stairs. I walked into the foyer grabbing my purse as I passed the table, Matt looked at me with a grin on his face "What?" I asked looking at my white summer dress that showed off the baby bump, Matt smiled "You look gorgeous." he said. I smiled kissing his cheek "thank you, now we should go before Skeet starts calling or texting us." I say as we all head to the car. We pulled up at Skeets place seeing a few of our other friends cars, we parked and got out seeing Skeet waiting for us "about time." he called. Matt playfully stuck up the middle finger at him, Skeet laughed as we all walked into the backyard. "Alright, so Lillard family you entrusted me with the gender of your child, which I am absolutely honoured." Skeet started off "So I want you five to go stand in the garden with the water guns that are filled with a mix of water and food colouring of either green for a boy or purple for a girl." he added. Matt, the kids and I grabbed the water guns and went over into the garden with our family and friends watching us. "Alright on the count of three, 1, 2, 3" Skeet called. On three we all started shooting each other seeing green appear on the white clothes. "It's a boy!" Liam yelled happily. I teared up as Matt and I hugged each other then the kids before Matt pulled away to hug Skeet "Thank you man, this was wonderful." he said to his best friend "It was an honour, so thank you for letting me do this." Skeet said. I walked over hugging the man "You are an absolute superstar Ulrich." I said with a laugh "Well I try Lillard. Now make sure to take care of my littlest nephew." he replied back to me, I laughed and nodded.

(so y/n is having a boy! Thank you for all your help. Also I picked Green and Purple for the colours because I'm sick of seeing people use Blue and Pink. ~Steph)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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