26 - The First Kiss!

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Y/N Pov
I laid on the couch staring at the celling unable to sleep thinking about what had just happened at the bottom of the ladder and the party, I wondered if she actually felt that way about me or if it was the alcohol affecting her because she definitely seemed to have something for Thomas but who knows not me.

I woke up in the morning sitting up on the couch glancing over at Teresa as she uncomfortably stirs in her hammock just waking up herself "Fuck my head" she groans I laugh a little bit "Morning sleepy head" I smirked "My head hurts so bad" she says holding her head.

"That would be because you had about 4 drinks of Gally's alcohol last night at the party" I say, she shoots a glare at me as she goes to stand up, "I have no memory of the events from last night.. all I remember from it is you and my sister being sober and dancing together" she says plopping herself down on the couch making her comfortable sitting next to me.

"Not too much, everyone left as the party started to wind down leaving us two, Newt, Gally and Thomas and they left then I had the fun task of getting you're drunk butt back over here" I say grinning at her "Note to self don't drink that much ever again" she says "if there is a next time you mean" I say, she glances at my neck "What? Is there something there?" I ask her "Uhm... There are marks all across your neck and on your jawline..." she says looking closely.

"Did one of the boys or my sister get to you" she smirks I instantly shut it down "No! ewwww! the boys never! Your sister no way, They are nothing ok" I say trying to cover them up with my shirt "something clearly happened, but if you don't want to tell me I understand, but if it wasn't any of them did you trip or something" she asks me I look down away from her glance "No... It wasn't.. uhm.. You did it.." I felt her gaze lock on to me "w-what.." she said looking confused.

"We made it back to the ladder last night and you stopped me before we climbed it and started kissing me all over my neck and jawline, I stopped you because you were drunk" I say she goes completely silent as I glance at her seeing her cheeks are almost bright red and I let a small smile appear on my face I quickly look away.

"Y/N I am sorry... I should have been more careful drinking.. Are you mad at m-" she goes to ask but I shake my head and cut her off "No I am not mad at you, I couldn't be ever Teresa" I smirk playing with my hair "It was pretty cute" I say.

She looks at me "Wait so we didn't you know?" she says asking me that question which I shut off instantly "No, No way I wouldn't" I say smiling "Thank you, Man that alcohol got to my head bad" she said I nodded "Yeah, but I can tell you if you were sober it wouldn't be me that you would have done that with" I smirk at her widely.

"What do you mean and what's with the smirking" she asks "You seemed to have something towards Thomas there" I say, I flash a smile as I walk over getting digging through my truck of stuff for a change of clothes that I wanted to wear for the nice beautiful day "Actually.." she says as I find a top pulling it out and putting it on "Hm?" I go as I search for shorts I find them putting them on closing the trunk behind me standing up and turning around coming a few feet in front of Teresa.

"I think I would have even if I had been sober you know" she says as she moves closer "What would you have done?" I say forgetting the conversation before, "I would have done this!" she says kissing passionately on the lips very gently, I stood silent shocked and taken back by her kissing me, but I compose myself passionately kissing her back, butterflies were swarming inside my tummy, I feel her smile too as she broke the kiss not wanting to hurt me.

We glance in silence at each other for a good moment before we go back in for another passionate longer kiss before breaking it again for the final time of today "I would have gladly done this sober and in front of everyone as well" she says, "I would do it anytime ten times over" she whispers as I smile, my cheeks red and I hide my face in her neck for a moment feeling her arms wrap around me holding and embracing me in a hug "I didn't think this would be how my morning would start" I mutter into her neck hiding my rosy red cheeks from her view.

"I didn't think I'd kiss someone as cute as you ever" She says as we walked over to the couch she placed me on the couch first sitting behind me starting to play with and stroking my hair softly, I also feel her hands trace my shoulders and back giving a very soft and loving massage, it was very relaxing I have to say we eventually switch and I played with her hair and gave her a massage also kissing the back of her neck passionately.

We both spent the next few hours taking turns and talking making each other laugh it was the best feeling ever, I can't recall the last time I had this much fun with someone here in the whole glade, but then again I was with all boys before Teresa showed up so I didn't really feel comfortable talking like that with anyone, we finally finished sitting up "You know what my hangover is gone" she says. 

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