30 - Heartbreak

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Y/N Pov

Thomas pokes his head up after I moved my hands off the tree and Teresa let go of me, "Hey Y/N, Hey Teresa" he says greeting as he enters, Teresa hides her neck as do I "Hey Thomas, What do you need?" I ask him leaning against the tree.

"Not a lot, but I was hoping I may be able to steal Teresa from you for a little" he says just as Newt climbs up standing right behind Thomas "Just the three people I was hoping were here" he says "Oh?" Teresa says smiling sweetly "I was wondering if any of you wanted to get something to eat as we never really hangout together anymore" he says I nod smiling "Sure, sounds good to me" I say "No thanks I need to talk with Teresa" Thomas says she nods too "Yeah, I may come in a little after" she says.

We nod and I mouth from behind Thomas "I love you" before climbing down the ladder, we head to the food hut enjoying the sun together "Sooooo What's up with you two then" he says, I roll my eyes playing off his comment "Nothing is going on with us" I respond he smirks "uh huh then what's with the neck hiding?" he asks me glancing suspiciously, I start to panic "I am just cold Newt" I say but he pulls my arm away revealing the hickeys.

"Holy mother of hickeys" Tara says walking up to us "That's what I was going to say!" he says both look at me with big smirks "Wipe the smirks" I say "Did she give you those" he asks "Maybe... Are you mad..." I ask he shakes his head "Of course he isn't Y/N" Tara says he nods "I am actually impressed" he responds I smile slightly.

We continue talking for a little while at the picnic tables instead of having gone to the hut and we glance over to the woods curiously "What is taking them so long, I thought they were just talking?" Newt says raising a brow in that direction "hmm, I thought so too, I'm going to go check on them" I say standing up heading over to the woods to go find them.

"What is taking them so long" I mutter to myself as I reach the ladder as I gently climb it up, I open the hatch and that's when I feel my heart smash as I pop my head up seeing them, Thomas was kissing Teresa... He was kissing her! and she was stood completely still not breaking it.. but doing so the minute she saw me.

"Thomas get the fuck off me!" she yells pushing him off "Y/N.. I can explain I swear!" she says glancing at me with a saddened looked as Thomas turns seeing me standing right there behind him I turn climbing down the ladder he tries following me "Y/N come on! Let her talk!" he yells as I go to I look up at him "You shut the fuck up! I hate you! I hate you both! Teresa we're over!" I say sliding down the ladder "Y/N..." Teresa yells to me.

I reach the bottom and bolting off as fast as I possibly could run, no idea where I am going as my eyes stained and covered by the tears pouring down my face, I trip over from running unable to really see where I was as it's dark, I then hear two people running calling out my name.

"Y/N! hey..." the female voice says and the male is already at my side "Woah woah, hey Y/N" he says as he crouches next to me, I am unable to tell who it is as it is dark but I got a good guess that it was Gally and Tara because the other two would dare to follow me after everything.

I start to sob as Tara reaches my side "woah... Hey..." she says embracing me in her arms holding me tight "Sis what happened!" Gally says rubbing my back very gently "why are you crying... No.. Sobbing.." Tara asks looking concerned.

"Thomas... He.. Teresa... She.. I.." I struggle to talk shaking badly "Hey... Take your time" Gally says to me as we all sit on the ground "Me and Teresa... We are over.." I cry they both embrace me in a hug, we must have sat there for hours as I sobbed my heart out in their arms completely heart broken, until I eventually fell asleep in their embrace, I was hurt..

Tara's Pov

I had never seen her like this not, hell her brother had never seen her like this before at all, she ended up sobbing for what was three hours before she fell asleep in our arms, what the fucking hell did Thomas and Teresa do that caused her to run off sobbing in this state.

I looked at Gally, "We should get her somewhere warm away from the others, especially them" he whispers not wanting to wake her up at all, I nodded "Yeah, I have the cabin near the pond there is enough room for us all" I say he nods we carefully pick her up and together carry her through the woods towards the pond and he takes her as I open the door to the cabin then carrying her inside placing her very carefully down on the bed, we both take a seat on the couch and glance at her before each other.

"What could have happened?" He whispers I shrug "I have no idea, but whatever it was, it hurt Y/N and caused her and Teresa to break up" I say looking down, Gally placed a hand on my shoulder "You feel bad don't you?" he asks, I just nod staying momentarily silent "Yeah.. it's my sister that hurt her.." I explain he shakes his head "Yeah.. so what it wasn't you" he reassures me before kissing me on my forehead "I guess so" I say returning it "She's going to need us when she wakes" he says.

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