chapter 2

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They practice the dance and laugh around a lot but finally get over with it.

hyunjin: haha that was so fun!

Felix: definitely! hyunjin it's 10pm shouldn't you go home now?

hyunjin: ahh shit! I'll go now. bye lixie pixie.

*Felix blushes at the nickname he's given*

hyunjin: you look cute when you blush

Felix: m-me? oh! im n-not blushing! haha.

hyunjin: sure you aren't.

hyunjin brushes his fingers through Felix's hair and then heads out.

Felix looks at hyunjin through his window and hyunjin notices. hyunjin signals him,

hyunjin: go to sleep.

Felix gives him a thumbs up and hops on his bed. He wraps himself in his blanket and screams inside his pillow. He's starting to question his feelings towards the brunette male.

felix: why does my stomach do that weird thing whenever he comes close to me? nah, I can't like him it has to be my mind messing with me.

he says to himself.

**the next morning**

Felix wakes up feeling refreshed and gets up to go to school. Hyunjin on the other hand accidentally sleeps in. Felix goes to school but doesn't see Hyunjin anywhere so he gets worried.

Felix calls hyunjin but doesn't get a response. He then asks Chan.

Felix: Chan have you seen Hyunjin? We were meant to present our dance.

Chan: Nah I haven't, maybe he slept in?

Felix: I'll go to his house.

Chan: Will the teacher let you?

Felix: Yeah ofc, we have to present our dance and he'll understand anyways.

Chan: okay good luck, me and seungmin will wait for you guys.

Felix: okay!

Felix gets permission and then dashes to Hyunjin's house. He knocks on the door, waiting for a response. After a rough 2 minutes, his mom opens the door.

Hyunjin's mom: Who are you and what do you want?

Felix: I'm Hyunjin's classmate Felix and I was wondering whether Hyunjin was home or not. We have an assignment together which is meant to be presented today.

Hyunjin's mom: Ah I think he's sleeping in again. let me go check okay.

Felix: okay thanks.

She wakes up Hyunjin.

Hyunjin's mom: Hyunjin! There's someone waiting for you outside. They were worried about you being late and you're here sleeping.

Hyunjin's eyes widen and he secretly prays for it to be Felix.

Hyunjin: What's his name?

Hyunjin's mom: He said Felix.

Hyunjin: Omg, I'll go get ready asap. (live laugh love stayc)

Hyunjin's mom: okay, hurry up. you don't wanna keep him waiting.

Hyunjin: Will do.

Hyunjin gets ready and comes downstairs within 5 minutes. He sees Felix and runs up to him.

Hyunjin: I'm so sorry, did you wait long?

Felix: Nah, it's okay. Now let's go, we are late.

Hyunjin: okay!!

Felix grabs Hyunjin's hand and starts running with him. Hyunjin's heart skips a beat and he smiles.

Hyunjin: We could just take the car you know. (🤓☝🏻)

Felix: Do you know how to drive? Are you even allowed to drive?

Hyunjin: yes and yes.

Felix: Okay then.

Hyunjin, still holding hands with Felix, walks up to his car. Felix smiles to himself when he sees hyunjin not letting go of him.

Hyunjin being the gentleman he is, opens the door for Felix and tells him to sit. When he does, Hyunjin enters his seat and turns to Felix, who is struggling to close his seat belt. He grabs Felix's seatbelt and helps him close it. Their faces are a few inches apart and Felix's face turns bright red.

Hyunjin: cute.

Felix: oh- uh. I- yeah ha- ha.

Hyunjin: You look so stinking cute when you get flustered like that.

Imma end this chapter here. It was kinda short so sorry but I'm super busy lately. I'll try and make it longer in the next chapter hopefully (not a promise but yeah) we'll see but anyways yeah, byeee have a great day or night, eat well, sleep well, stay hydrated and happy pooks. Love ya all <3333

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