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"Daddy, Daddy, can I have a cookie??"

Bruce gave in with a sigh once he saw the large, pleading eyes staring back at him. "Okay, kid. Here." He tossed one right into his tall child's open mouth.

The kid munched happily and beamed. "Yummy! Thanks, Daddy!"

He skipped away, and Bruce watched, he heard Brandy tsk. "You're spoiling those kids rotten, honey."

The troll rolled his eyes. "Girl, you're one to talk... you're spoiling me with the cookie all the time."

Brandy gasped at her husband's words while their kid paused in his tracks and turned around. "Is that true, Mommy?" he asked eagerly, hoping she had more treats to give.

Brandy shooed the child away. "No, honey. Daddy is just talking nonsense."

The kid slumped. "Aww..." Then, he trudged off a little sadly.

Once he was gone, Brandy shot Bruce a look with narrowed eyes.

"Finish the rest of the load," she said, pointing at the unfinished dish pile in the kitchen sink. "And then maybe, maaaaybe when you get upstairs, I'll have your very own cookie waiting for you."

Bruce hummed, licking his lips and already imagining the sweet flavor of his Brandy. "I look forward to it."

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