Seven Minutes in Heaven

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"I don't think this is the way you play the game!"

"Yeah, aren't you supposed to - "


Both Clay and Viva went ignored as the closet door was shut on them.

"Well, too bad, this is the way we're gonna play it!" Poppy laughed from the other side. Then they heard Branch's voice say, "Okay, you know the rules, the time goes for seven minutes, and in seven minutes, you're out!"

"Oh, so now we're following rules?" Clay shouted from the other side. "After you all broke the first one? What happened to picking two random folks to get stuck in the closet?"

"Hey, like Poppy Seed said, this is the way we're playin' the game!" John Dory called out. The sound of a high five was heard, and then laughter.

"Seven minutes starts now!" Bruce called.

"Good luck!" Floyd said.

Clay slumped his shoulders, seeing that there didn't seem to be a way out of this. Swarthed in the darkness of the closet, with only the dim lighting that was coming through the seeping cracks in the door, he turned to look at Viva.

She looked a little awkward, too - rubbing her arm and twirling her golden hair - but she smiled at him. "Well, I guess we have seven minutes," she said, and she sat down, patting the ground next to her.

"Right," Clay said, choosing to stand at the furthest end of the small closet from her.

"Clay, come sit next to me!" Viva insisted.

"I'm, uh, I'm good here," Clay replied.

"If you're over there, I can't talk to you."

"We're talking just fine now."


"Viva!" He gestured at the space between them. "I think this is a respectable distance, don't you think?"

"What if I don't want to be respectable?"

Clay raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

Viva got up, and strutted to him. "Well, the way I see it, we're stuck in here for seven minutes, right? Seven minutes, where we can do what we want... and we won't be interrupted..." She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled alluringly.

Clay blushed heavily, swallowing at how close her face was to his. "B-but they already broke the rules," he stuttered, referencing their siblings, "what makes you think they won't do it again?"

Viva giggled. "Trust me, they won't. I think they want us to have our alone time."

Clay nodded. He could see the reasoning with that. "But you still didn't answer my question," he said. "What did you mean by not being, um... respectable?"

Viva smirked. "I meant this." With that, she closed the distance between them, her lips finding his and smooching him sweetly. It lasted only a second, but that second was fire for Clay. A fire that ignited his insides and made his brain explode with desire.

"Like that," Viva said. "See?"

Clay's face broke with a wide grin. "Yeah. I see." Feeling more comfortable, he cupped her face, leaning in and kissing her again.

And again after that.

And then again after that.

The kisses had turned from sweet and innocent, to something a little more fiery and passionate, Clay pinning Viva against the wall, his hands splayed across her back and her hips, tongue laved into her mouth, his hot breath against hers. He felt the heat rise, pooling into the part of him that was ready to get some real action going with his girl...


"Ooo yeah, they're totally making out."

Poppy giggled, her ear perked against the door and listening in eagerly.

John Dory elbowed Floyd. "I bet ya five bucks they're gonna go all the way!"

Floyd shook his head. "Don't bet, John. It's not good!"

John Dory scoffed. "Why not? Grandma used to do it all the time!"

"He's right you know," Bruce said with a nod. "But Clay better get a move on if he does wanna go all the way. He's only got... um, hey Branch, how long does he got?"

"About three minutes," Branch replied, holding up the timer.

"Exactly!" Bruce said, smirking. "And believe you me, a lot can happen in three minutes..."


Clay certainly was making use of those three minutes.

Viva had been laid on the ground, her cape being used as a comfortable matting underneath them.

Clay was knelt before her, slipping his arms out of his one-piece cardigan and beginning to tug it off. In a similar way, Viva was working on unbuttoning her one-piece leotard, shimmying out of the article of clothing. Both discarded the items, no longer needed, for the purpose of the thrilling pleasure they were about to endure...


It wasn't long before Branch's timer went off. Though, nobody was quick to jump up and alert Clay and Viva. Judging from the sounds coming from behind the door, things were pretty escalated, and interrupting could potentially be awkward.

"So..." Poppy said, clicking her teeth awkwardly, "anybody have any ideas?"

"Hmm," John Dory hummed. "How about we just burst the door open!"

Branch gave him a look. "You would think of something like that," he muttered.

"I guess I could just knock, right?" Poppy said.

"That would probably be best," Floyd agreed, not looking like he was ready to see anything mortifying should they follow John Dory's idea.

"Okie doke!" Poppy chirped, and went up to the closet door with two short raps. "Alrighty, guys, time's up! You got five seconds before we open up!"

Poppy heard gasps emit from behind the door, and then proceeded by the sounds of shuffling around. She counted down silently to herself - five... four... three... two... one - and then finally opened the door.

Everyone was met with the sight of Clay having just slipped his arm through one of the sleeve holes of his cardigan, and Viva smoothing down her leotard.

"So..." Bruce said, eyeing his brother. "What were you guys up to?"

Clay shrugged. "Oh, we just sat around and talked n' stuff." He exchanged a glance with Viva, the two of them blushing and smiling.

Yeah, talked with your BODIES, Branch thought to himself, knowing that it was quite obvious what the pair had done.

But Clay and Viva didn't seem to mind even if it was obvious. They grabbed each other's hands and strolled away from everyone else, totally in love.

Once they were out of earshot, John Dory whirled on Bruce and Floyd, his hands out and a satisfied look on his face.

"Alrighty, bros... pay up!"

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