Chapter 23

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The first date leads to a lot more dates. They make tea and sunset at the tower a regular thing just to see each other every day. Katsuki loves spending time with him, taking the effort to bunk a few military practices just so he could meet Denki. 

"It's been like two months since we started dating each other, isn't that crazy?" Denki asks not lifting his head up from the flower crown he was making. It was Katsuki's idea. Flower crowns were a special memory. Never did he think that frail and pretty prince he met would end up melting his heart AND roping him in into killing the Queen. 

Katsuki looks at Denki as he says, "Yeah, it feels like it's been longer." Denki doesn't respond, but Katsuki does see the beautiful smile bloom across his face as he concentrates even more on the flower crown. "You know, Denki. I thought this was a date. What am I doing here?" He teases him. 

Denki looks up with a pout, "Not my fault you keep strangling the flowers! Your hands are too big for flower crowns, go back to sword fighting or something." He whines, sticking his tongue at Katsuki. 

"Hey come on, I was just kidding!" Katsuki chuckles, reaching forward to hold his hand, only for Denki to playfully slap it away. Katsuki freaks out for a second before he notices the silent giggles. "You know what, I don't mind this. At least I get to look at you." 

Redness reaches upto Denki's ears, "Your pick up lines are so bad!" He yells out as he turns further away from Katsuki. 

Katuki laughs harder, "I don't need pick up lines, I already caught your eye." He almost doubles over when Denki only screams louder asking him to go and do something worth while instead of flustering Denki. 

The noises suddenly cease, after about 10 minutes Denki wonders if he actually left, only to smile when he hears small snores. Katsuki did fall asleep pretty quickly, maybe he had just been too tired that day. 

He quickly finishes his flower crown, this time following a beige and white aesthetic. He kicks his feet when he realises what they resemble - a wedding. The crown looked lovely with delicate patterns of the stem, woven into each other. The white roses he managed to find just made it a hundred times better. 

Denki turns around only to realise Katsuki was still fast asleep, his eyebrows finally uncreased. He must've been in a lot of stress, Denki thinks. With the new reign and new relations with other kingdoms, it felt like all the castle staffs were working overtime. But Denki supposed it would take only a couple months for things to settle down. 

Neighbouring kingdoms were all pretty chill, Denki already felt comfortable with them. After things go back to normal, he supposes it's time to focus on his personal life. Already two different kingdoms had asked him if he was single so they could marry off their daughters. But Denki had politely declined saying he's putting it off until things get normal. But only he could hear his heart race at the idea of marrying Katsuki. 

"Denki!" He hears a cheerful noise suddenly and before he could comprehend the green mop of hair running, Midoriya is sitting next to him. "Oh god, I've been searching for you the entire evening! Okay so, Todoroki's father has been looking for you which he told Todoroki, but Todoroki couldn't find you and he had to leave in an emergency cause his mother had a fever or something and his sister needed help so then I thought 'hey, I could ask Denki so-" 

Denki splutters at him, "Sheesh, Midoriya calm down. I'll talk to him, okay?" He smiles as Midoriya wheezes a little, nodding gratefully. 

"Oh wait, Kacchan fell asleep?" He asks peeking over. 

"Yeah, some time ago." Denki says in a whisper. They both adjust their seating with Katsuki sleeping on his back next to them as Denki and Midoriya sit opposite to each other. 

"Okay, now that he's not leeching onto you all the time-" Midoriya starts, noticing as Denki blushes red, "What? He is! I can almost never see you alone and free. But anyways, is he treating you good?" 

Denki's brain short circuits for a minute, "Uhm, yeah. He is, Midoriya. Don't worry about it." He adds awkwardly. 

"I'm glad, I mean Kacchan can get a little, you know, annoying. He could be overbearing but I swear! He just cares a lot, okay?" Midoriya says in one breath. Denki supposes Midoriya had too much coffee that day. He's done that before, had 3 glasses of coffee because he couldn't remember if he had it that morning only to realise the 3 glasses in the sink later. He gets just a little hyperactive then. 

"Anyways, have you thought about your future together?" Midoriya asks, completely serious. 

Denki snaps his head towards him, "Now where did that come from?" 

"Nowhere! I just wanted to ask, with homosexual marriages banned and stuff, me and Todoroki were talking about it the other day." 

Denki checks at Katsuki once, just in case he was eavesdropping, "I'm working on it, Midoriya." He whispers it like a secret, smiling widely when Midoriya's eyes brighten. 

"Thank you so much! I can't wait until we all get married, it'll be like flipping off the queen!" He chuckles, kicking his feet. 

"About that... don't you think me and Katsuki are going too fast? I mean, I think I really want to get married to him, but we've only been dating for two months!" Denki whispers loudly, glancing at Katsuki every now and then, "Besides, it's like we don't know the basic stuff about each other, like our favourite food, or maybe our childhood stories and stuff. Hell, I don't even know his favourite colour!" 

"It's yellow." A voice answers and Denki is confident it wasn't Midoriya. He turns towards Katsuki who's already looking at him with a soft smile and half open eyes due to the brightness outside, "My favourite colour is yellow, Denki." 

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