"Night 2"

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i woke up laying in cody's arms and quickly looked to see if he was awake

"goodmorning, y/n" he said in a sleepy voice

"goodmorning you" i said laughing

"i was waiting for you to get up, i'll make some coffee for us real quick"

he got out of bed and walked to the kitchen preparing the coffee

"so, it's your night tonight. you excited?"

"i'm so scared, yesterday the nerves weren't as much as now" i said unconfident

"you will do amazing, i always love watching you wrestle. you're little acrobatic moves are just insane"

i laugh "i sometimes miss being a gymnast you know? that's why i use a lot of what i've learned in the ring"

"smart, very smart"

as time passes by it was already 3:00 pm and we decided to go to the arena

after 30 minutes we made it and it was already stacked with people standing in front of the arena waiting for it to open.


"yes ofcourse!" i said grabbing cody's hand and walking towards them

we made such cute pictures and greeted some other fans that were waiting outside. "i love this part of my career" i said smiling to myself

when we got inside the arena i was on stage before it opened. it was HUGE, i already felt the nerves coming back but i was so excited at the same time

i quickly went backstage in the females locker room. i started doing hair & makeup. my gear was pink with some sparkles on it so i wanted my makeup to match my gear. i straightened my hair and realised the opening match was almost starting.

i was casually walking backstage until i saw nikki running towards me

"thank god i made it, brie is almost here but we definitely don't want to miss your match!" she said smiling "we want to support you just as much as you supported us last night"

"i love you!" i said hugging her "i'm gonna go put on my gear, wanna come?"

"yes ofcourse, lets go!" she said curious

after some time i finally got my gear on and i LOVED it, the pink really made me love the whole gear by it's own!

after some time i finally got my gear on and i LOVED it, the pink really made me love the whole gear by it's own!

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"Y/N" nikki said with her mouth wide open "I'M OBSESSED WITH YOUR GEAR"

"thank you so much! it took me nearly a week to make this gear" i said laughing

"well it's all worth it cause it's perfect"

"she's right" i looked behind me to see who it was, it was randy

"what are you doing here?" i said in an angry tone

"what? can i not come here to support your match?"

"uhm, no? what the hell is your problem"

"GO AWAY YOU WEIRDO" nikki yelled and randy instantly walked away since everyone heard her scream backstage

i laughed, "this is why i need you around me all the time"

it was almost time, my music was set up and i was feeling the adrenaline inside me

"y/n, you look gorgeous" cody said behind me

"your finally here!" i said hugging him "thank you, i'm just so nervous"

"don't be, do what you told me last night. you got this"

"it's time, y/n" mcmahon said

i quickly hugged nikki, brie, maryse and michelle

i walked out the curtains and saw the HUGE crowd. i was shocked, everyone cheered for me. i saw posters of me with the divas title that i'm planning on winning tonight. i struck down the aisle confidently while seeing eve glare at me ringside.
i did the last bit of my entrance and quickly the match was gonna start

the beginning didn't look so good for me, eve was hitting me harder than what a normal wrestling match would be like. i reversed an top rope move from her and body slammed her on her back. i quickly got on the middle rope and hit my insult to injury on her. "cody loves my acrobatic moves" i said in my head and blew a kiss to the crowd

the match went on for a long time, eve grappled me to the corner and put me on the top rope and ended up hitting a suplex on me.


i managed to kick out, but my body felt terrible. she really got me good with that suplex. i saw her getting frustrated and wanted to hit her finisher on me. i knew eve her moveset pretty good since we were a tag team. thankfully i knew how to reverse her finisher. she lifted me up but i got out of it making it a backflip. the crowd cheered for me and i dug down and hitted eve with not one, but two cross rhodes just like the man himself



i couldn't believe it, the referee gave me my title and i stared at it. this gorgeous title is mine. i felt some tears coming and celebrated my victory

while celebrating my victory, cody's entrance comes up and walked out on stage. he walked towards the ring and when he got in he instantly hugged and spinned me around. "i'm so proud of you, i knew you could do it" he said and walked off grabbing a mic

the crowd got silent, "y/n, look at us both winning the main event, hitting two cross rhodes on our former tag team partners and becoming champions. from hating each other to now the complete opposite. in front of all these people i wanted to tell you something important. for a while i've developed feelings for you and they are now stronger than ever. i'd love to ask you to be my girlfriend, y/n"

i was shocked, he asked me to be his girlfriend, in front of everyone? he handed me his mic quickly

"YES, cody, i'd love to!" i said excitedly

i threw the mic to the ground and kissed him passionately, this is the happiest i've ever felt in my whole career

"guys, i'm starting to tear up" i hear micheal cole say in the mic

with our titles we walk out of the ring and made some quick pictures with the fans in the front row

when we got in gorilla nikki and brie were there waiting for us.


we all had a group hug and that was the end of Wrestlemania 25.


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