9.A day in Yunmeng

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Warning: Short chapter and ......ki

What if someone gave you roses as a gift, but they had lots of thorns? What if you liked to eat sweets, but the healer told you that you have diabetes? This is what happened to this particular Alpha, who was expecting to go out with his Wei Ying, but instead also had to be with his little chaotic children friends, a caretaker named Yanli Shiji, and an overprotective Jiang Cheng, who was looking at Wangji like he stole something precious from him.

Wangji sighed as he walked through Yunmeng's market. Earlier that morning, after breakfast, Wangji had been getting ready to go out with his Wei Ying, feeling happy about it. He emerged from his room and went to stand near the gate.

Meanwhile, inside Wei Ying's room, he was getting ready as well. Usually, he didn't care much about his appearance, but today he put in extra effort. He wanted to look as beautiful as possible, so he wore his red and blue hanfu combination. He applied some red rose tint to his lips and a small amount of herbal eyeliner.
After taking a look at mirror, he come out of his room.

As he was about to pass the corridor leading to the main family members' rooms, Shiji called out to him from behind

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As he was about to pass the corridor leading to the main family members' rooms, Shiji called out to him from behind. He stopped and gave her a bright smile.

"A'xian, are you going somewhere?" she asked. Wei Wuxian nodded and replied, "I'm going to the market to buy a few things for the Lotus Festival. I already have a performance planned."

Upon hearing her brother's answer, she said, "That's great! Can I join you? I also need to buy a few things for the festival."

Before Wei Ying could respond, Jiang Cheng emerged from his room and said, "Then I'll go with you both. You're not going outside alone." He turned to Wei Ying and added, "Especially you. Have you forgotten what Mother said? It's better if I accompany you."

Wuxian didn't know how to explain that he wasn't going alone and was actually going with a special Alpha, but he couldn't say anything as the Jiang siblings had already dragged him along with them.

After coming at gate all of they saw Wangji standing infront of gate. They all greet each other and Wangji got to know how Wei Ying' sister and brother also joining them for markets.

Jiang Cheng asked, "Huangwang Jun, are you also coming with us?"

Wei Wuxian replied, "Yes, I invited Lan Zhan, as we are friends now."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Cheng glared at Wangji because his brother used Lan Zhan's birth name. Wangji sighed and said, "Only if you don't mind."

Yanli smiled and reassured Wangji, "It's okay, Huangwang Jun can join us too." She then turned to Wei Ying and playfully added, "No need to ask. We should already know your plans."

Wei Ying blushed, and Wangji's ears turned red. "Shiji, what are you saying? We're just hanging out as friends," Wei Ying protested, while Yanli laughed at her brother's reaction. They then left together.

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