23. Love stays strong.

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Revenge is a mirror reflecting the depths of cruelty one can descend to. Xui Ren was supposed to feel calm, relaxed, and happy after exacting her vengeance on Wei Wuxian. Yet, no sense of satisfaction or peace came to her. Instead, an overwhelming loneliness consumed her.

Her own brother distrusted her and issued a stern warning. Despite her efforts, she gained no pleasure from her actions, nor the love she sought from the person who mattered most. Even so, she remained obstinate, unable to repent for her deeds.

Currently, Xui Ren was sipping her tea in her room, feeling restless. To divert her mind, she decided to take a walk outside, as it was afternoon. She wandered, admiring the beauty of nature, and stopped to take in the scenery in front of her.

"I am confused about what I am supposed to look at," a voice came from behind her. She turned and greeted the person with a bow. "Clan Leader Nie, I am sorry, but I do not understand."

Nie Mingjue grinned and said, "I am confused about what to look at-the scenery or you, because both are beautiful and calming to look at." He smirked.

She blushed at his comment and replied, "I think being a clan leader, you can make this kind of small decision wisely." She turned back to the scenery.

Impressed by her answer, Nie Mingjue stayed beside her in silence. The peacefulness of the moment, coupled with someone's presence, brought her a sense of calm she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Have you ever regretted anything in your life?" Ren asked suddenly, staring into the distance. "Like you did something to find happiness but instead only received pain and sorrow."

"Such questions for a Clan Leader like me?" Nie Mingjue chuckled, then his tone turned serious. "I even regret my existence at times. Everyone in the cultivation world knows about my anger issues. In my aggression, I've made so many wrong decisions that I later regretted."

"Are you still happy?" She asked, looking at him intently.

"Yes, I am," he replied without hesitation.

"How?" was all she could manage to say.

"I know that whatever happened in my life is in the past, and maybe in the future, I'll correct my mistakes." He looked at her thoughtfully. "I believe life always gives us chances to improve ourselves and be the best we can be. That belief gives me happiness."

She listened to his thoughts attentively. "Never imagined a pervert Alpha could be this thoughtful," she said, chuckling as she looked at Mingjue's face.

Mingjue cleared his throat and looked away in embarrassment. "Hey, you've got the wrong information."

They spent a bit more time together before parting ways to attend to their respective duties.


Meanwhile, Wangji reached Caiyi Town with his disciples. He instructed them to find the culprit's sister without disturbing the locals. He also began searching, asking vendors if they knew anything.

As he walked toward the other side of the market, he felt something suspicious in his surroundings. He kept walking, trying not to make any noticeable moves.

He went into a small alley and saw a fruit stand. As he approached, the table was suddenly thrown at him by someone hiding behind it. Wangji quickly gathered himself and saw the person running away. He immediately started chasing after them.

Before the person could reach the main market, Wangji leapt and landed in front of them, wielding Bichen. Anger was evident on his face as he confronted the fleeing individual.

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