The immersion

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I am a great game lover in fact I played a lot of games trying and testing many consoles as games for the tablet or for xbox360, 3DS, PS4 and the latest arrival in my house or the PS5, I have a very intimate relationship with video games because when I was little and I was bullied because I had a lot of trouble making friends I discovered video games as well as watching a lot of TV, I remember I couldn't wait to get home from school to watch dragon ball and then at 2:00 there was Yu-gì-oh. There are many and many types of video games in the world, for example a genre that I discovered recently (type 5/6 years ago) and that of souls like that are a type of video game also very famous and known for being "extremely difficult" when in fact once you know how to take it you can gut the game if you know how to move so it depends a lot on the skill of the player, I find the souls very "romantic" all their settings the idea of my character passing in these medieval villages I like a lot, I also like to feel the tension and emotions that my character could feel at that time, for example in dark souls 1 there is a boss fight that is the one against Sif the gray wolf that during his battle after he fell under a certain amount of life begins to limp to the point that makes you tenderness and you wouldn't even give him the last shot even though when you know his story entirely then you think that perhaps after being reduced to this state and after all that to past the coup de grace that inflicts him and only an expurgation of his spirit that could finally find peace. Or even just walking in a street full of decomposing dead in Old Yharnham in bloodborne (another game of the type souls like) makes me perceive what my character thinks and elaborates in a place like this macabre and horrendous then if you notice the details and see that there are no-Tortured dead and the ground is filled with blood where there are pustules and bacteria that lurk in every carcass you understand how disgusting the place where you are and also the one there from the feelings. Or another game that I like (and in fact it's my favorite game) and Skyrim that tells a magnificent story in a wonderful universe. I am not the player who wants to play to kill time but I like to completely immerse myself in these gaming masterpieces and live in these fantasy universes to disconnect from the reality and the monotony of the days allowing my mind to rise and continue to experiment and receive new stimuli and this allows me to always maintain my creativity and indeed to strengthen it.

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