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Mea | Baltimore, Maryland

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Mea | Baltimore, Maryland

"You okay?" Donny asked me quietly as we walked side by side. Kat was on the phone as our hands swung so she wasn't really paying us an attention. I nodded, "yeah, just thinking" I told him plainly.

After a very—eventful—night with Mr. Morgan, I honestly felt like dying on the inside and out. I took three showers and I still couldn't wash away how disgusting I felt. I knew to keep my mouth shut on the events unless I knew someone could actually kill him and erase him for good. I didn't want to tell and then he moves on to one of the younger ones.

"About?" He asked as we walked the boardwalk of the inner harbor. "The roc nation offer" I lied quickly. I definitely have not thought about the offer since I was told it last week since I've been putting it off. "Oh yeah, did you talk to your dad?" He asked me. I shrugged, "I texted him earlier and he told me to come by the house so I'm gonna catch the bus over there in a few" I told him.

"You know Donny can just give you a ride, MJ" Kat finally spoke up after sliding her phone in her back pocket. "Stop offering me—I should make you niggas start paying me gas money for these free rides" he said. I raised my eyebrows, "Don shut up" I told him. "I should push you out the car when we hit I95" he said, bucking at me. "I wish you would—imma just make you run over every pothole and pop the tire off" I told him.

Now it's Donny and I arguing. it's like he knows when I've had a bad day or two and purposely picks fights with me just to make me laugh.

"Ight shut the fuck up. Let's get going before it gets crowded around this bitch" Kat said, tugging us.

We all piled in Donny's car and he began driving the direction of my father's home. I really didn't feel like being there but it was better than being at the group home.

"You coming to mine?" Kat asked me. I nodded, "yeah, if he says yeah to signing the consent form, I can have a zoom meeting with Diane today so I'll happily do it at your house" I told her. "I can't believe our best friend has the opportunity to produce for artist of roc nation. Do you know all the fine ass woman he has signed to that label?" Donny asked rhetorically.

I chuckled and shook my head, "I don't think I'll be able to work with Megan since she's more rap and my style is more pop and R&B. I could make her something though" I told him.

At this point, I wasn't that star struck with being around celebrities. Considering a lot of them don't come to my city that much like that, being friends with Kat—I've gotten to see her perform with Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande so I got to meet them. With Donell, he's kind of a double whammy since he plays basketball and does fashion so he meets them all the time.

It's more weird for me since I've never met any based on my crafts but more so my best friends. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

"Alright, I'll see you in a few babes" Kat said as she kissed my cheek. Donny dapped me up and I got out of the car, walking towards the big house. I knocked on the door and nearly seconds later, the door opened to reveal my father.

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