Chapter 7 Still: Pistol Kid

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"There you are!" another voice calls from the distance, but this time it's less distorted and more sweet. My door slides open again, and I realize that I have no privacy and no basic human rights anymore. Oh wow, I have no mouth and I must scream.

Another girl, this time a blonde with a cap crashes into my room. Okay, not my room. Everyone's room, or every person that so far I know of in Metanoia have seen this room.

"Charis, Charis, you're late for afternoon tea." the blonde sings in a melodious voice and she pushes Creepy Kid out of the room. Charis hisses in protest--actually hisses (???).

"Enough." she ushers her out of the room, rolling her eyes. "You've seriously hissed more than, like, 9 times a week." 

So miserably, Charis gets pushed out of the room, still yammering for the nonexistent Amadine. Blonde slams the door shut, Sora tilting her head in confusion, and comes into the room.

Oh my gosh, my privacy.

And finally, some words escape her lips. "Sorry, sorry, I do this like 9 times a week too. Name's Rowena."

She searches her pockets and pulls out a pistol. (A LITERAL PISTOL??????) "By the way, welcome to Hell."

(Authors Note: Next chap will have a lot of angst and maybe a little fluff, and also a revisit into the character of Ezra Whitney!!)

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