We're Dying

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In space:
A ship hovers in space.
In the TARDIS:
The Doctor: Ah, Tegan.
Tegan: Have we landed yet?
The Doctor: Not as of yet, no.
Tegan: Oh, I see.
The Doctor: Everything ok?
Tegan: Yeah, just thinking about how much we've done since you found me in Amsterdam.
The Doctor: Well er, yes a considerable amount of time has passed since you rejoined Nyssa & I. How's Tatum settling in?
Tatum: Wonderfully, thanks.
The Doctor: That's great.
Nyssa: I showed Tatum her bedroom.
The Doctor: Thank you, Nyssa.
Tegan: Oh look, a spaceship.
Tegan looks on the screen.
Nyssa: Oh yes.
Tatum leans on the console, suddenly the TARDIS jerks.
Tatum: Oh!
The Doctor: No! No!
Tatum gets up.
Tatum: What?!
The Doctor: You've triggered an emergency materialisation!
Tegan: What?!
The Doctor: Hold on!
On The Krashka:
The TARDIS thrusts into the hull & collides with a wall, the screen goes blank.
Sigourney: Bronson!
Bronson: Yes Malik?
Sigourney: There's one escape pod left, you need to go.
Bronson: Your not staying behind Malik!
Sigourney: Just go!
Bronson runs with Sigourney.
In the escape pod area:
Sigourney opens a pod, a gun fires at them.
Sigourney: What the hell?!
Kratzi: You will not pass!
Sigourney: Weaver! What the hell are you playing at, man?!
Kratzi: You were never a good leader. This happened because of you! You trusted them!
Sigourney: You would have done the same!
Kratzi: You will die here, Sigourney.
Sigourney: No!
Kratzi shoots Bronson in the arm, he falls.
Kratzi gets into the escape pod & leaves, an alarm blares.
Mitzi: Low oxygen levels detected, few siromiters of Roxi Fuel remains, evacuate immediately.
Bronson: What are we gonna do?
Sigourney: I'm so sorry, Bronson. It was meant to be me who went down with the ship, always the captain, should never be the crew.
Bronson: And who made that one up?
They laugh.
-All we can do - laugh.
Suddenly a thud is heard.
Sigourney enters the hull and looks at the TARDIS, The Doctor runs out.
The Doctor: Tegan! Nyssa! Tatum! Now!
Tegan, Nyssa & Tatum run out.
-Hello, how do you do, I'm The Doctor, that's Tegan, Nyssa & Tatum, please excuse my TARDIS wedged in the wall, Somebody chose to sit on the console.
Tatum: I told you it was an accident! I'm sorry!
The Doctor: Seems to be the easiest word!
Nyssa: Doctor.
Tatum: You what?
The Doctor: If you hadn't had chosen to plonk yourself on my console, we would be on the moon of Poosh!
Tatum: I don't wanna go to some moon!
The Doctor: That's not the point here, Tatum!
Nyssa: Doctor! Not now! As usual there's a woman pointing a gun at us.
Sigourney: How the hell?
The Doctor: As I was saying, my companion chose to sit on the console and triggered the emergency materialisation circuits causing us to be lobbed into your walls.
Sigourney: You mean you can get us off this ship?
Tegan: Once the TARDIS is un-fried.
The Doctor: Yes, thank you, Tegan.
Sigourney: So can you get us off the ship or not?
The Doctor: Yes, just not now-
Sigourney: Oh! So self centred! What is it with Timelords being complete narcissists?!
Tegan: Excuse me-
Tegan squints and looks at a badge.
-Sigourney Malik, I'll have you know that The Doctor is anything but a narcissist. He would sacrifice himself a million little times to ensure that the smallest of beings survive!
Sigourney looks down.
Sigourney: I'm sorry. But we all need to get of off this ship as soon as possible, there's little oxygen and fuel left, my crew-mate, Bronson he was shot by another crew member who betrayed us.
The Doctor: I don't understand, your ship it's a Sautisian Republic Frigate, you travel due to politics but you should have plenty.
Sigourney: We were met by a crew of Saurix, they said they needed to borrow some fuel so they could get to an orbit rock in the Whelar system however they drained our fuel when we offered them a small amount.
The Doctor: Saurix? I can't say I've heard of them.
Tatum: I have.
The Doctor: Oh?
Tatum: They're not from this universe, somehow they've jumped into our universe.
The Doctor: But that's impossible.
Sigourney: That's exactly what we said when we took a bio scan and it was nowhere to be seen.
The Doctor: They're not the only beings to cross universes, a long time ago I met this race on Earth, The Spectrum, and another time I ended up in a ghost realm. All these things that should never happen are all beginning to happen.
Nyssa: Like a storm in the air... about to break.
The Doctor: Exactly.
Tegan: Sorry can we just change the subject for a sec? We're on a ship that's destined to be brown bread and we're around here sharing campfire stories.
Sigourney: Do any of you have medical training?
Tatum: I know a few things.
Sigourney: Get Bronson to the medical bay, ask Mitzi for assistance.
The Doctor: Mitzi?
Mitzi: How May I be of assistance?
Nyssa: Oh I see!
A red energy ball appears.
-It's a visual empath!
The Doctor: So it is.
Sigourney: She's our sort of interface, we couldn't trust AI.
The Doctor: Terribly unethical. Do you have any kind of fuelling agent?
Sigourney: No...
The Doctor: Oxygen tanks?
Sigourney: We weren't given them as we were told we'd never need them onboard unless we were going somewhere where the air is unbreathable.
The Doctor pulls a pocket watch from his pocket & looks at it.
The Doctor: Half an hour left of the TARDIS fixing itself.
Sigourney: We haven't got half an hour, once the next 30 minutes are up, the ship will self destruct, regardless of how much oxygen is left.
The Doctor: Right.
Tatum: Can't we just take refuge in the TARDIS?
The Doctor: I'm afraid not, she's terribly unstable as of now.
Nyssa: Doctor, Bronson is stable, should I bring him to the hull?
Sigourney: Please.
Nyssa: Understood.
The Doctor: And there's no escape pods available?
Sigourney: There is one... the Deathboat.
The Doctor: Oh...
Sigourney: It's what we would use if a crew member passed away onboard. Only issue is that there's very little oxygen supply in there to last all 6 of us.
The Doctor: How many people can it fit?
Sigourney: 5.
The Doctor: Ok.
Sigourney: What?
Tegan: What are you thinking? I recognise that face.
The Doctor: You, Nyssa & Tatum go ahead with Sigourney & Bronson.
Tegan: And you pilot the TARDIS?
Tatum: Won't that kill you?
Tegan: Yeah.
Tatum: By the looks of it the TARDIS is burning, you'll die if you go in there!
The Doctor: Ah well we're dying anyway if we don't get off this ship.
Tatum: He's right I guess.
Sigourney: He is.
The Doctor: Nearest planet with breathable atmosphere?
Sigourney: Dalaco. The desert world, I believe there is some kind of sentient life forms on the planet. What are they called? Daxons! That's it, quite technologically advanced too.
The Doctor: So it's decided, Dalaco?
Sigourney: Yes.
Tegan: Are you sure you're gonna be ok?
The Doctor: Yes, Tegan.
Sigourney runs.
Tegan: Brave heart, Doctor.
The Doctor: Brave heart, Tegan.
Tatum: Come on!
Tatum & Tegan run.
Nyssa: Doctor?
The Doctor: Nyssa! Brilliant! We're evacuating the ship, I need you & Bronson to go with Sigourney, Tegan & Tatum in a Deathboat, I'm going to take the TARDIS.
Nyssa: What?!
The Doctor: I'll be fine! Don't worry!
Nyssa: Are you sure?!
The Doctor: Yes!
Nyssa & Bronson run ahead.
-Right then! TARDIS!
In the TARDIS:
The Doctor runs in, flames are burning & the TARDIS sparks. He flicks a switch, an alarm blares as the TARDIS begins to dematerialise unstably.
In the Deathboat;
Sigourney: Before I eject the Deathboat, I can't assure you that you'll all make it to Dalaco.
Tatum: Ok.
Tegan & Nyssa hold each other's hand, they nod.
Tegan: It's ok.
Nyssa: When you travel with The Doctor you get used to this kind of thing, always accepting that you'll die and then he comes swooning in and saving the day, always lucky. Maybe the luck has ran out this time.
Sigourney: Ready?
Bronson: Yes.
Tatum: Now or never.
Sigourney presses a button, the Deathboat begins to separate from the ship.
Sigourney: Get down!
They all duck as the ship explodes, sending the Deathboat flying, Tegan hits her head knocking her unconscious.
Nyssa: Tegan!
Sigourney: Hold on!
Tatum looks out the window.
Tatum: The TARDIS!
In the TARDIS:
The TARDIS console sparks, The Doctor gets knocked back. The doors begin to open.
The Doctor: No! No! Not like this!
In space:
The TARDIS doors blast open as a flame roars out of the doors.
In the Deathboat:
Nyssa: No.
Tatum: The Doctor.
Nyssa puts her head down.
Nyssa: He's gone.
She cries.
-He's dead.
Tatum: Oh god.
Tatum bangs on the windows.
-Somebody save us! Save us! Please! Oh god!


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