The Runaway Caterpillar

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On Grenwerld:
A door swings open, a life sized caterpillar runs out, another one follows.
Mashri: Belupto! Come back!
Belupto: No! Leave me alone!
Belupto scurries away.
Prafice: Leave him! If he does not return by sundown, then we lose it all. And then he will be no son of mine!
Mashri looks down.
In the TARDIS:
The Doctor: So, sentient drawings & weird rhino creatures-
Rose: And Absorboblobs.
The Doctor: Absorbolof!
Rose: It's what I said.
The Doctor: No-
They laugh. The TARDIS begins to materialise.
Rose: Blimey that was quick.
The Doctor: I know...
Rose: What's up?
The Doctor: Nothing, we've just not long left 2012 London.
Rose: Yeah.
The Doctor: Right, shall we step outside?
Rose: Yes, sir!
On Grenwerld:
-An alien forest?
The Doctor: Yeah...
Rose: It's like being in one of them Mario games, giant mushrooms and weird translucent life size bugs and orange specs that glow and float.
The Doctor: Puff spores, don't touch them.
Rose: What on Earth is that?
The Doctor: Ah! That is a Tricesilies!
Mashri runs past them, she's crying.
Rose: Doctor, she's crying. E-excuse me! um, Millepede-thing.
The Doctor: Tricesilies. Basically alien caterpillars.
Rose: Are you alright?
Mashri: My brother, he has ran away.
Rose: Why?
Mashri: He is to give evidence in the court of Arnts against the Beautel Syndicate!
Rose: What did he see?
Mashri: He witnessed the murder of our mother at the hands of Dreycor, the leader of the Beautel Syndicate.
Rose: I see... but why has he gone?
Mashri: He is stressed! He is scared the syndicate might come after us.
Rose: Right, The Doctor & I can help you find him if you want?
Mashri: Oh yes please! Last I heard he was in the Pulup Outland!
Rose: Hang on, how longs he been gone?
Mashri: 4 light cycles.
Rose: Light cycles?
The Doctor: Day and night, there's no sun or moon on this planet so these spores, they're a natural light source.
Rose: Oh.
The Doctor: When they get tired from projecting all of the light energy, they have a nap, that's the night cycle.
Mashri: Every 8 hours.
Rose: Only 8 hours of daylight then.
The Doctor: Time passes differently here, one hour is 30 minutes.
Rose: So 4 hours.
The Doctor: Yes.
Rose: Right.
The Doctor: Rose stay here, I'll go with- sorry your name?
Mashri: Mashri.
The Doctor: Come on.
Mashri & The Doctor run. Prafice appears.
Rose: Hopefully they find him.
Prafice: If not, the Mraktons can have him.
Rose: So you're willing to throw him to the wolves because he's upset?
Prafice: He's a coward!
Rose: Is he though? His mother was murdered by gangster ants and you think he just get over it. He's clearly traumatised!
Prafice: He should be here giving evidence!
Rose: And he will be, just trust The Doctor.
Prafice: How well do you trust this 'Doctor'?
Rose: I trust him with my life. I've known him for like 3 years, I know him, I trust him & I care about him.
Prafice: Sounds like you love him.
Rose: Maybe I do.
She shakes her head.
-Can we just focus on Belupto for now?
In the Pulup Outland:
The Doctor: I'm sorry for your loss.
Mashri: Thank you.
The Doctor: What actually happened?
Mashri: Our mother, Xaxi she was killed by the Beautel Syndicate all because our father borrowed 100 credits for a holiday to the singing slopes of Brag,
The Doctor: I see, and Prafice didn't pay up?
Mashri: No, and Belupto, he witnessed it all, so he is the only one who can give evidence aside from Bratiz, leader of the Beautel Syndicate.
The Doctor: I see.
Belupto sees them.
Belupto: Sister!
Mashri: Brother!
The Doctor: Brilliant! Right, let's get back. Alonsie!
In the house:
Rose: The Doctor will bring him back, but Prafice, please be nice and understanding when he gets back, ok?
Prafice: I understand.
Rose: Your name, it reminds me of my mother's maiden name, Prentice.
Prafice: Your mother's name is Prentice?
Rose: No, Jackie Andrea-Suzette Prentice.
Prafice: That is a long name!
Rose: Tell me about it.
She sees The Doctor.
-Oh! Doctor! The Doctor, he's back!
Prafice: Is my son with them?
Rose: I count three of em, so yeah.
Prafice: Oh!
The Doctor: We've found him!
Mashri: Father, I bring you Belupto, home with us both, where he should be.
Belupto: Father, I have decided that I, Belupto Bancey-Ashrak-Melunie-Swist-Adnyat-Mrok-Lash am going to give evidence against the Beautel Syndicate.
Prafice: Good.
Mashri: But there's something you should know, father, be borrowed money, he's the reason why mother is dead.
Prafice: I did it for us! For our family! So we could have this nice house!
Belupto: But this 'nice' house is now tainted in her plasm!
Mashri: Enough with the lies! Remember that holiday he had with his comrades?
Belupto: Yes? Before mother was killed.
Mashri: That was what he borrowed, no, stole from the Beautel Syndicate.
Belupto: Is this true?
Prafice: I-
Belupto: Is this true?!
Prafice: Yes!
Belupto: Shame on you, father, your no father of ours!
Rose: Hey, hey. I know your dad has made a massive cock up but, he's your dad-
Belupto: And what would you know?!
Rose: I never got to meet my dad, not properly, he died when I was a baby.
Mashri: But what he has done is a disgrace!
Rose: I know, but-
The Doctor: Rose.
Rose: Please, I know things are strange right now, but he's your dad, you only get one, I know that.
The Doctor: Rose, They've made their decision-
Rose: But they can't just leave him here.
Tanti: Or can they? Hello, Prafice.
Rose: Who's she?
Prafice: The woman who I went on that holiday with.
Belupto: Good heavens.
Rose: You were having an affair?! You borrowed money from a mob?! A mob that killed your wife because of your mistakes?! Did you even love her-
Mashri: What?
Belupto: Father, is this true?
Prafice: Yes.
Belupto: Did you ever love our mother?
Prafice looks down.
Mashri: You disgust us.
Mashri & Belupto walk away.
Rose: Scumbag.
Rose walks away.
Prafice: She has no right to talk to me like that!
The Doctor: I think you'll find she does, mate.
The Doctor follows after her.
In the TARDIS:
Rose: How could he do that to her? To his kids?
The Doctor: Some people are just plain stupid.
Rose: Yeah, remember when we went back to the day my dad died?
The Doctor: Yeah.
Rose: Mum mentioned a woman who he had had some kind of mishap that put him in a compromising position that made him look like he cheated on her, do you think he definitely cheated on mum? Or did it get taken out of context.
The Doctor: Pete was a good man, he loved Jackie, he loved you most importantly, he'd never go there, and most importantly he'd never put you or Jackie through that.
Rose: Yeah.
They hug.


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