6: Post Clarity

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The Baroness wasn't beside you when you awoke, still curled up, naked, in her sheets. Your uniform was gone, though you didn't panic, thinking it was probably slung in a laundry basket. Where Victoria had disappeared to was also easily known, with a seconds clarity. She'd left for the warehouse, to arrive for quarter to five, sharp. You groggily stumbled out of her bed, your back creaking just as much as the mattress springs, noticing at the end, the Baroness had laid out a silver tray and the uniform. "Huh, thanks Vic- woah!" You stumbled over your own feet. How on earth is she upright right now? You questioned, still processing the urge to throw up last nights heavy load of alcohol. You read the handwritten note attached to the tray, which held a little bit of toast, now cold. It read: I clocked you in. Be grateful - BVH. It was sharp and impersonal, and you watched the memory of your evening hanging from the words in ink like the gardens of Babylon.

"Where have you been?!" Estella gasped, smacking your shoulder with a tea towel, lightly, but you could tell she was a good bit frustrated despite her smirk. "I was... really... really hungover. To be honest, I'm  surprised I kept my head out of the toilet bowl long enough to pull my act together." You were only half lying, your head was admittedly splitting, but you dare not tell anyone the truth, lest you get yourself ripped to shreds by Victoria. "You hooked up." Estella matter of factly smirked. "What no we didn't." You rambled, all too fast for your liking. "I never said with who." Estella laughed, feeling a little bit of pride at your beet red blush, "Well? Tell me. Was she good to you? What derogatory things did she make you do for her sick sense of-"

 Was she good to you? What derogatory things did she make you do for her sick sense of-"

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You cut Estella off, "Hey! Estella, chill out, would you? Have you got... something against Vic- the Baroness all of a sudden?" You snipped, with too much harshness. Surprised at your tone, Estella sighed. "I'm getting sick of her treating us maids like crap, striding around, not caring who she steps on!" She ranted, her annoyance tangible, "So just tell me, did she make you do something humiliating for her pleasure? Do you need me to give her hell?" She asked again. "As a matter of fact, she didn't. We were drunk, we fooled around, it was fun." You defended. "I'm glad then... I guess."


I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - Taylor Swift

🎶 'Cause I'm a real tough kid
I can handle my shit
They said "Babe, you gotta fake it till you make it and I did 🎶

🎶 Lights, Camera, Bitch, Smile, even when you wanna die
[She] said [she'd] love me all [her] life 🎶

🎶 But that life was too short
Breaking down I hit the floor,
All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting "MORE!"
I was grinning like I'm winning
I was hitting my makes
'Cause I can do it with a broken heart 🎶

🎶 I'm so depressed I act like it's my birthday, everyday!
I'm so obsessed with [her] but [she] avoids me, like the plague
I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art 🎶

🎶 You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart 🎶


"Y/N." John addressed you, his sharp eyes staring at your still groggy state. "The man who usually deep cleans the Baroness's cars is away for a family funeral. She needs her Bentley and her Deville cleaned before the Black and White ball, so could you come with me?" It's not characteristic for John to seem so stoic and cold, so you followed immediately, hoping he was okay, as he was like a Dad to most of your colleagues. "Yeah, that's fine, John." You acknowledged, again picking your pace up to catch up to the valet, as his stride picked up.

Upon entrance, the garage door slams shut at John's command. The lights flicker on, leaving you, him and two luxury cars in the garage. John's face is full of disappointment. "I know what you did." You're suddenly on alert. Full alert, every hair raised, your heart racing.

"You had sex last night." John stated. "Does every employee think I'm some slut-" you felt your annoyance flood, humiliated that it's so clear you had sex. "Victoria told me, actually." He stated. That explained it a little better. "Ah... I'm sorry." You tried to chuckle it off. John wasn't amused. "Y/N, what happened last night?" He asked. "I got totally sloshed after the dinner party, went to sneak to bed, caught Vic and then... one thing led to another, y'know. It was harmless." In John's eyes it didn't seem 'harmless.' He shakes his head, and looks at you like a disapproving professor.

Was there something you couldn't see? Was he hiding that he and Victoria were... an item maybe?

No, that couldn't be it.

But what was it?

"Y/N, I must tell you one thing, if whatever it was you had with Victoria was something, then you best swear to me that you will do good by her, solely," John stated. "John I-" "Y/N, please. You have no idea of that girl nor her past. Take advantage of what she gave you last night and I will put you in the ground myself. If this is nothing, let it stay such, but you swear to me you will keep my friend safe?"

"I swear, John."

That evening you were walking through the manor, and you bumped into the Baroness. You smile at her, notice your empty behaviour and give a gesture that offers a kiss.

"Don't. I'm not in the mood for your petulant slutty behaviour. What we had was a crappy one night stand, keep it that way."

Sobriety sucks...

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