7: The Crown Jewels

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After the Baroness had royally slut shamed you, you decided to give the old hag the silent treatment, which was a shitty idea of yours to attempt to make her pay. Who the hell did she think she was? Why did she think she deserved to question the reasons behind something she assured you was perfectly fine? Something she asked, no, near begged you, she wanted to do. That was fine, if she wanted to play that way, you could do that.

Because you were a lot of things, that much you admit, but not the type of woman who was gonna take any shit.

Ok, that's a massive lie, you've taken far too much shit for your own good.

"Celeste! Celeste please!" You begged, her silent demeanour killing you. "I'll do anything to prove it to you, anything! I'll do anything, please. You want me on my knees, you'll get it. I'll give you whatever you want, no questions, no issues! Just believe me! Please!" The humiliation in your begging repulsed her. Her tone and her eyes lost any sense of the love she had for you. "And here I was planning to forgive you." Celeste sneered, "But you're using me. For your career, for sex. You slut."

And there it was, watching the supposed love of your life drive over and crush everything you held sacred, squeezing all of the blood out of your heart. As though you were a ragdoll and she was letting every stitch that held you together fall apart by a snap of her fingers, your insides spilling out. To lose someone you love, or to risk that, is not only humiliating, but it's painful. It condenses your lungs, crushes your limbs, does anything and everything to lust over the urge to maim you.

"I'm going to kill her, I swear

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"I'm going to kill her, I swear. That foul insufferable bitch!" Screeched the blood red fury that had just been ordered to make the Baroness some lunch, which involved a stiletto on the floor scrubbing hands of Estella. You looked at her pulsating hand and grimaced. "I can sort it if you want?" You offered, to which she brushed it off, "No, I'll get the queen her lunch."


These Boots Are Made For Walking - Nancy Sinatra

🎶 You keep lying, when you outta be truthin'
And you keep losin' when you outta not bet 🎶

🎶 You keep samin' when outta be a-changin'
Now what's right is right, and you ain't been right yet 🎶

🎶 These boots are made for walking,
And that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you 🎶

🎶 You keep playin' where you shouldn't be playin'
And you keep thinkin' that you'll never get burned 🎶

🎶 Ha! 🎶

🎶 I just found me a brand new box of matches, yeah! And what he knows you ain't had time to learn 🎶


You're absolutely awful at playing hard to get, hence why you were striding down the corridor, decidedly planning on having a mature (ha!) conversation with the Baroness about how you feel (ha!). You strode down the corridor, stopping by the door, to overhear the conversation inside, catching a glimpse of your golden goddess, and Estella, her eyes hypnotised and transfixed on a dainty ruby necklace, dangling off of a golden chain around the Baroness's neck. "Your necklace..." she said, air leaving her throat. "Oh! Family heirloom. Funny story, actually, an employee once stole it."

"No she did not!"

The Baroness stops crunching the cucumber slice and stared at Estella, who stuttered, "Sorry! Slight tone delivery problem. I meant: Nooooo! She did not?! Did she... work for you?" Estella didn't fuck her tone up, that much was clear, but the Baroness took the response all the same. "Once, yes, before. She stole this, and had the audacity to come back, fell off a cliff and died." The Baroness slinked across to the chase and you swivelled out of sight, pressing your back against the wall, ear brushing the door frame, craving the secrets. "My god! How terrible!" Estella gasped, standing up herself. As the Baroness planted herself onto the lounge, which you would have much rather had been your face, she continues. "Yes, it was actually. It was during my winter ball and her death really upstaged my whole thing." She shrugged. "Time for my nine minute Power Nap." She stated, the sound of her setting the alarm in the silence.

"Who... was the woman?" Estella asked, striding forward. You felt your throat go dry, as though something bad was due to happen any second. Two cats fighting in an alleyway, now in the body of two deadly women. "Not really the point of the story. The story is about how lucky I am but anyway, she had a kid, kid's a snowflake, special, blah blah blah," Victoria laid onto the chaise, covering her lake-like eyes with cucumber. "It was a basic shakedown situation." She shrugged, waving the story off like a cat hair.

"Maybe she... just really loved her kid...?"

"Maybe she only had one person to take care of and she failed, dismally."

The silence was deafening, as you watched the two of them in a stalemate. You felt a brush by your shoulder, and a rugged yet awkward, "Oh! Hello, Y/N!" Which made you jump out of your skin. "Hello... Roger... how's... piano...?" You mumbled formalities as he walked in. "Baroness! We have that meeting at the Ritz." He stuttered at the seemingly sleeping Baroness. "Oh for heavens sake." She huffed, stretching herself up, she flings her cucumber at him. Her miniature entourage prepare her, and they stride away, right in your direction.

"Y/N?" The Baroness asks, inquisitively, sizing you up. "Baroness..." you looked at her, her chiselled face showing no clue to her mood. You gazed into her eyes, knowing she was not a woman who apologised, but... you didn't care one bit. "Y/N, if I may catch you upon my return, I wish to talk with you... please?"

Sorry about the lack of posting this week, I've been studying and doing practice exams. Hoping the schedule will be back to normal soon!
Lotsa love!

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