Chapter 11. Betrayal

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Courtney's POV

"How did they fucking breach the border? How did they not catch them?" I yelled in front of my seventeen men.

"We asked them, Sir, but the call got disconnected due to kernel panic of our system," said Thomas, standing in the right corner. "And we've lost communication with two outposts already."

"That's bullshit! Who the hell will dare to destroy it?" I slammed my desk and stood up abruptly. "I execute my plan according to my will. And you, all of you, are not entitled to intervene!"

I could hardly believe what had transpired today. The intruders attacked the Python Team, and they bypassed our borders undetected. It's too late before the Python Team can get reinforcements to go after their aggressors 'cause it took ten minutes before they found out about the attack; we're fortunate that we didn't have a prominent fight or something else to worry about than this.

My men were all looking at me with disbelief. This circumstance is new to us. We always ensure that any breach of our borders is prevented, but never to this extent.

I am inside the Reestone Building, where the elite units called Frysto Seal are stationed. Only the agents from every team in our organization are allowed inside. Our headquarters are located on another level so there's no way an enemy agent could infiltrate here undetected. The whole situation was highly suspicious for now.

While pondering before my men, one of them who accompanied the Python Team emerged and walked toward my direction. He bowed his head as he reached out to me.

His name is Carter. "Good afternoon, Sir."

"Updates." I sat on my chair, with my eyes focused on the laptop screen that was currently showing footage from our surveillance cameras. Then, my look shifted back to Carter.

"Sir, we tried our best to know what corporation they are from. We've been searching through the whole company database of the corporations that have a connection to this incident."

So, any identification? Flags, insignia, or any symbol?" I asked him impatiently.

Carter shook his head. "None, sir. We have been unable to locate anything in the entire company database that might identify them. They're concealing their real identity. No national symbols, no allegiance."

I crossed my arms as I heard those words. I gave him a steely glare. "You seriously went here with nothing?"

He shook his head without looking at me.

That made me furious. I stood up again and began striding angrily toward him. Carter immediately moved backward to avoid my wrath. "You know very well that I despise a man who couldn't bring me any damn thing I ask!"

"I'm sorry, Sir." He glanced at me with so much shame written all over his face. But it's not my thing to feel sorry for anyone's failure. "We did our best to secure everything so no one could get into our base. The system, machine and all are working, but in my conclusion, one person wrecked everything."

"Are you saying there is a traitor who disabled our defenses? That someone sabotaged our machines?" I clenched my fists. The thought of someone getting away with this made my blood boil inside my veins.

"Yes, Sir." He hurled me a serious look. "Don't worry, Sir, we're trying our best to complete the investigation then we'll crack down on their operation."

"You all better be. I need more intel than this shit." I snapped, locking my sharp stare onto his.

Carter bowed and answered obediently, "Copy that, Sir."

I turned away from him and returned to my seat on the chair. I motioned him to go and keep going, compelling him to continue in his duty.

After he left, I looked back at my computer screen once again. Then diverted it to my men. I could see the uneasiness on everyone's face. Even though the invasion is over now, things still aren't good.

My phone suddenly rang, and I saw Julian calling. I answered it without hesitation.

"I need a report now," I ordered with more venom in my voice.

"Yes, Sir. We captured two men from the intruders. One named Tyler confessed."

I swallowed hard, waiting for his next statement. "Say it."

"He said they hired a mercenary to spy on the Frysto Seal. And this man is working with us."

"What?!" My blood boiled, and my rage grew stronger with each passing second. I stood up, slamming my fist against the desk as I growled over the phone, "You mean one of my men is a mercenary who works for someone outside?!"

"Yes, Sir."

"Tell me the name." I glanced at my men, curious about who the traitor could be.

"It's Oliver. And Tyler said he has some sort of tracking device on his body."

As soon as I heard the name, my chest tightened like it did when we first found the bodies of the three Frysto Seal members, which happened six months ago. I don't see any reason why it should be Oliver. There's no possible relationship between Oliver and those intruders. He's been my most trusted subordinate since I became the leader.

I felt myself getting agitated as I kept my composure, even though my insides were seething with anger and rage. To think he betrayed me like that, I can barely contain myself from ripping him into pieces right now.

There was a pause on the line as I processed his information and my thoughts raced fast like a speeding train towards a certain conclusion. But then it was too hard to figure out now without solid evidence to prove his treason.

"Keep those men under watch until further notice. I need to catch Oliver as soon as possible. Just keep me posted." With a swift command, I ended the call and threw the phone on my table. I glared at my men, who remained frozen and quiet around me.

It wasn't long until the other men, including Julian, arrived with their reports. All of them were shocked and worried. None of them ever thought that someone would betray us, especially not a top warrior.

After formulating my conclusion, I decided to furnish them with our next moves. I ensured that they would adhere to the strategies we had rehearsed by apprising them of the signals, the information, and the plan we had laid out. The victory shall be ours, like how we put an end to every adversary that stands against us. We've gone over every detail and contingency, so I decreed them to go forth and enact the scheme we devised.

Suddenly, the image of Adeleine popped up in my mind. That abrupt thought propelled me to stand up.


A sudden realization washed through mine like a tidal wave. It's the scenario earlier of how I ordered Oliver to watch Adeleine. The memory of instructing Oliver earlier to keep a watchful eye on Adeleine replayed in my thoughts like a haunting melody. For the first time, an unfamiliar emotion began to stir deep within me. Trusting that man was no longer an option.

I need to get Adeleine to protect her from being taken advantage of by him. She's too innocent to become part of this hellhole.

I dialed her number on the phone immediately, but it went unanswered as I continued dialing.

Damn it! Answer the call!

Every attempt I made to reach her just kept getting interrupted by the same message repeated in my ear. Then I sent her a message, hoping she'd read it.

"Go to the main entrance of the building. Now!"

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