Chapter 14. The oath

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Our arrival at El Bistro Piazza, renowned as one of the wealthy Italian restaurants, was swift and seamless, taking us merely fifteen minutes. Nestled in a parking lot adjacent to the entrance, we traversed through the revolving glass doors; Courtney wrapped his right arm around my waist, guiding me toward the nearest counter. The restaurant's interior exuded a grandeur that left me astounding, boasting lofty ceilings, walls adorned with rich dark wood, and a plethora of exquisite artwork on display. It's filled with classical music, which I rarely hear from a restaurant. The interior comprised vintage black leather booths lined up along the walls, interspersed with plush velvet chairs and elegant glass tables, creating a harmonious blend of old-world charm and luxury. There are also paintings, photographs, and sculptures scattered in every corner. At one end of the restaurant, there's a wall with bookshelves lined with books.

A female receptionist approached us, engaging Courtney in a conversation using a language foreign to my ears, undoubtedly Italian. Though I couldn't decipher their words, the exchange was brief, and the receptionist promptly guided us up a grand staircase leading to the exclusive VIP area where our seats awaited us.

"You owned this, right?" I asked, marveling at the embellishment of the entire surroundings.

He nodded. "But only people I trust are allowed to know," He explained. "My grandfather built this business, and I inherited it after he passed."

"Amazing." I smiled. "Your father is proud of you."

"How certain are you?" He crossed his arms as he gave me a profound stare.

"I can tell. Well, you have everything. And a kind heart."

Our gazes remained locked for a fleeting moment. The atmosphere shifted slightly as two servers approached, interrupting our silent exchange. Every staff member who walked past us offered a respectful bow; their faces lit up with smiles directed mainly at Courtney. However, his face always seemed so serious whenever someone did so. He didn't show a smile or signal that could be interpreted as anything besides a frigid stare. He is so intense to everyone, but to me, he is so gentle.

"Tell me what kind of dishes you want," He suddenly spoke, cutting off my thoughts and turning to face me.

"Anything is fine." I smiled. I wanted him to know that his choice was completely fine for me. He brought me to this mesmerizing place, and I'm already happy.

"When I ask you something like that, I want to hear the answer in a way of saying what you prefer." He respired, eyes still locked on me. "Know you're here with me. So forget the kind of life you had. Just be who you are."

You're right. With you, I am me.

"Just tell me whatever you want. Anything, Adeleine," He added, making me question myself. Who am I in his life? I'm wondering what role I should play in his life.

"Okay." I gave in. "The Steak au poivre is perfect, and I'll have the tiramisu with red tea."

His face brightened as he nodded his head approvingly.

He called out one of the servers and ordered the food. After that, Courtney turned to look down on me. His gaze was so mesmerizing that it made me want to get lost under it all the time like everything else had faded, even the music playing in the background. My whole world was concentrated on his eyes.

"Tell me about yourself."

His voice pulled me out of my trance. "What else do you wanna know?"

"Everything," He replied. "Start with what you like and dislike. Followed by your favorite foods, colors, things to do, and hobbies."

I thought for a second until a smile broke out across my lips. "I don't have an answer. I don't have favorites, likes, and desires." I swallowed hard, the image of Blaine and everything that caused me so much pain replaying in front of my eyes. "All I wanted when I married Blaine was to make my parents proud. I eat any food, do everything he asks, and be the wife he wants me to be. Nothing more."

His eyes softened, a faint hint of sadness in them. "That's terrible. It's very traumatizing, I know."

"Yeah, but I'm not that affected anymore. You hired two doctors to monitor my well-being, which greatly helped me." I gave him a genuine smile to show my gratitude for that. "Don't fret too much."

"I should be the one saying that." He paused, letting out another hot smile. "That's the end of your pain. 'Cause from now on, you will be one of us."

Surprised by his words, I was speechless and confused, so I looked at him intently as he stared back at me. Suddenly, he reached over the table and brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear. It was so simple, yet extremely intimate, especially when his eyes drifted down to my lips and up to my eyes. "You just need to change one thing for me, Adeleine."

His lips curved into a grin, too hard to decipher its meaning. But I stayed calm and gazed at him. "What is it?"

"Your desire."

I became even more perplexed. "What do you mean?"

"I want you to focus on this new life. You're here for revenge, so don't let your emotions eat you up."

Wordless and curious. I still couldn't understand what he wanted to say. I just stared at him.

"I promise to protect you if you give me your fidelity." His gaze turned fierce, proof of how he meant every bit of those words. "Just don't fall in love with me. And that's an oath you must take."

My whole body froze. He sounded so deadly serious that I found myself swallowing thickly. He leaned toward me and held my chin lightly between his index finger and thumb, making me look at him intently as he stared into my eyes. "This thing between us can't be more than it already is. You mustn't play a decisive role. "

I was shocked to hear those words, speechless and unable to come up with any words. His voice was quiet but firm.

But what I couldn't fathom is my own emotion. All of our memories together, starting from the day he saved me from my husband, flashed back into my mind. I couldn't shake them away. And now my heart felt heavy.

"Just don't fall in love with me." This kept repeating itself in my head like a mantra.

But I felt like...

I already am.

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