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Before we get started with the oc's, I would like to set some rules. I don't like rules, but with this kind of roleplay book and with each one I make, i have too. So, let's get started!

Rule 1:
This roleplay book will consist of many oc's you can choose from, both males and females. They will be having different  sexualities (bisexual, bi-curious, or heterosexual, homoromatic or lesbian), this means all genders and sexuality's are welcome in this book!

But don't try and force me change anybody's preference, because I won't. Try to find someone that matches your oc's preference.

Rule 2:
Be as active as possible, I understand when life's busy. If I haven't heard from you in over a month, I will terminate the roleplay and the chatacter you've chosen is gonna be open for others to roleplay with. I'm not gonna keep a oc reserved if you're not online, as simple as that. If you're gonna be offline for a while, shoot me a private message, communication is a two way street.

Rule 3:
Don't try to control what my oc does or says. Control your own characters actions and words. That can get kinda on my nerves! (:

Rule 4:
If you want a oc reserved, let me know by shooting me a private message or comment on the chapter! I will happily reserve them for you! The reservation will be terminated if I haven't heard
From you in a week without discussing a plot or anything with me, so be sure if you reserve a character, that you're actually gonna be communicating with me.

Rule 5:
No bullying or shaming other Wattpaders that join the book. If I see this happen, you're immediately kicked out, I don't care.

Rule 6:
Smut will be discussed in pm's, as I don't want the book get taken down. But I will say, no heavy detailed smut. Makeoutd and whatnot is fine, but if it goes any further, we will skip! I won't  make any adjustments about this and don't force me too.

Rule 7:
Enjoy, and so I can see you've read all the rules, the password is your favorite chatacter from any movie/series or show you've seen!

This are the color codations for the oc's:

🤍: Heterosexual
💜: Bisexual (with lean/no lean)
🧡: Bi-curious
💙: Homoromantic
💓: Lesbian

This are the codations for the oc's when they're chosen:

🗨: Talking to (@-username)
🥀: Broken (and in need of some fixing)
🌺: Dating with (@-username)
🔐: Reserved for (@-username)
💔: Single

*when a oc is reserved, you can't claim that oc!

♥︎𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑅𝑃♥︎Where stories live. Discover now