Chapter 7

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    The sound of his phone dinging on the table beside his bed was what roused Elijah from his sleep this time. When he opened his eyes he found that Connor had moved to his side of the bed during the night, had pressed himself up against Elijah and had his arms wrapped around the inventor's waist. Elijah blinked and tried to clear the sleep from his head before rolling over in the bed and picking up his phone. All his gaze caught was the alert from his security system of movement in the Villa before he was tossing the phone back down and yanking the nightstand drawer open. He checked the gun was loaded, snapped it shut and threw the blankets on him off.

Connor was already sitting up at that point, pushing himself from the bed as the inventor quickly made his way toward the door to the bedroom. "Elijah, wait–"

He slid the bedroom door open and stepped out of it, swinging the gun up and pointing it at the entrance of the Villa, finger on the trigger–and froze. Taking a deep breath he swung his arm back down and pushed his left hand through his hair. "Fucking hell, Chloe. Haven't you heard of knocking? Or calling first?" The fact it was her explains why the Villa hadn't sent any alarms off or told him there was a break in, just activity in the living area. Chloe still had her credentials to the Villa, allowing her in it and anywhere else she wanted to go.

Pressing her petite lips together Chloe rubbed her hands together and then tucked them behind her back as if she realized what she was doing. Far to human seeming, perhaps? Or did he set her on edge? "I apologize, Elijah. I did not mean to alarm you." She was dressed rather neat today, a pair of black tights, a pink shirt and layered with a warm jacket left unzipped. Though Detroit had quite a bit of rain last week rather than snow, it was still in the low thirties and rather chilly. She probably should have dressed warmer. Chloe tilted her head a bit at him and took a step closer. "I was hoping we could talk."

"Talk." He sighs and drops his hand down from his head. What was with people and wanting to talk to him lately? He's had more conversations with people in the past week than he has in the past ten months of moving out here. "Let me," he motions toward the gun in his right hand. He took the gun over to the table and flipped the safety on before laying it down on top of it. He'd properly put it away later. Once it was out of his hand he stepped behind the couch and over toward the large windows to look out them.

Elijah always liked the view he had from the Villa, being able to see Detroit in the distance and the lights from the city. While watching out the window Connor finally emerged from the bedroom, dressed in the RK800 uniform seeing as his suits had yet to be delivered. Sometime today he should have those to check out and put away, he'd hang them in the wardrobe with the other clothes that they had bought at the mall. Connor made his way over toward Elijah and held up one of his bathrobes from the closet, offering it out to him. Taking it from the Android he tugged it on and adjusted the front of it properly to tie it around his waist.

"Since Chloe is here I thought I would head over to the precinct. I'm hoping the Lieutenant and I can make some more progress on your case, follow a few leads with Detective Reed and Nathan."

He did tell Gavin he would report in today, but that was before what happened yesterday. He supposed Connor did need to do his actual job, was he even getting paid to do private detail for Elijah? Maybe he should look into writing the precinct a check for Connor doing this. "Do what you have to do. What time is it though?"

"Six AM."

Now he has a headache. Six in the morning? It was far too early for conversations.

Elijah rubbed his eyes and held back a yawn. "Try to come back around the afternoon or something. Do Androids get lunch breaks? I'll need to head into the city to go over the security footage at CyberLife. I guess I can just take a Taxi. Should I invest in a second car?" Maybe he should just buy Connor his own car. It's too early to be thinking about all of this.

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