You Have Trauma Too? Welcome To the Club

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Jester walked through the utility tunnels, panicking. Mark was right. They were replaceable. What was stopping management from buying a robot to fix the lights or the other electronics around the Pizza Plex? What was stopping robots from stealing Vannessa's job and being security guards? Robots don't need to get paid. Humans did.

Jester stopped in front of the door to the closet. It was suspiciously silent. The door was opened a crack. It wasn't like that when Jester had left last night. The rabbit better not have left. They reached towards the taser that was at their hip again. They weren't going to electrocute the rabbit right away as it didn't go well the day before. They grabbed the handle of the door and quickly pulled it open.

The light from the tunnels filled the small room. Jester looked around, their eyes landing on the suspicious form of Bonnie. The animatronic was wearing the clothes that Jester had brought earlier. He jumped, startled at the sudden light, stuffing something behind his back. His star-shaped sunglasses fell down on his nose.

"Jester!" Bonnie exclaimed. He pushed the sunglasses back on his head. "Omigosh, I missed you so much!"

"Why was that door open!" Jester shouted. "Did you leave? Were you seen?"

"What?" Bonnie asked. "I didn't do anything! I promise!"

Jester narrowed their eyes at the rabbit. "Really? Because it wasn't open when I left last night."

"Yeah?" Bonnie asked.

"I will tase you," Jester threatened, holding up the black metal cylinder. Although they were still a safe distance away from Bonnie, the taser tapped against his nose.

Bonnie cringed away so that the taser wasn't literally on his face. "Please, no." Jester moved the taser closer again with a serious expression on their face. "Okay, fine. I didn't leave, but I did open the door."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I was bored!" Bonnie said, basically whining. "You locked me in a closet without anything to do!"

"How was I supposed to know that you do things?" Jester asked.

"Why wouldn't I do things?" Bonnie shouted.

"Bitch, I don't know!" Jester shouted. "I thought animatronics only ate people and were possessed by little kids' souls, but turns out I was wrong! I know what I saw that night!"

Bonnie was shocked. Where in hell did that come from? Were they having a manic episode? What was Jester not telling him? He came closer, only to be stopped by the fear in Jester's eyes. He crouched down on the ground, standing on his knees.

By no means did he like Jester as a person; they were bossy, closed off, and rude to him. Contrary to all of the red flags around this human, Bonnie couldn't help but want to... he didn't know really. Help them? They seemed lost. He inched a little closer on his knees, ignoring the squeaky joints groaning in hostility. Maybe it was his programming. Maybe it was his utter confusion or his desire for answers.

"Listen, buddy," Bonnie said sternly. His ears moved backwards at a forty-five degree angle, showing his anger. "I need some answers around here. You just told me I haven't been awake for almost a year, tased me twice, freaked out and talked about some child souls, and didn't allow me to leave the closet because 'somebody could see me'. So. Calm down. Answer my questions. Please."

Jester pushed their wire-rimmed glasses up on their forehead and rubbed their eyes. "I'm dreaming," they muttered to themself. "I have to be dreaming. There's no way I'm seriously about to trust this monster. He fucking ate my leg–"

Dumb Bunny (NB reader x Glamrock Bonnie) #1Where stories live. Discover now