Chapter 14

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This chapter has some gay fluff in it sooooo uhm ye.

Void's pov:

The wind soared as high as both of the heart beats of the males as they raced toward the rainforest.

"Can you sense her anywhere!?" Void couldn't respond as he kept searching, moving his head back and forth on the forest. 'Dammit, if only I could've saw this.' The fresh smell of the environment only made his senses worse. 'Leaves, trees, deer, and,' He paused as he smelled something odd. 'fire?'  Void didn't recall seeing flames or any signs of fire like a deer running, in fact the deer he had smelled was sitting right next to the location of it.

"Void come look at this," Bolt swung his tail to pull Void to what looked like a crater. "Do you think Blitz made this?" Void again didn't respond and instead looked at the crater. He braced himself for a throbbing pain in his head he knew he was going to get.

He was having a vision.

Void could not hear, see, nor feel his mates attempts to jolt him back.

All he saw was three things.

Blitz firing a thunderbolt at something.

A male stormwing.

A scavenger, no, a group of scavengers squeaking to what looked like a younger Bolt.

His pain subsided as his mates attempts to get him up have succeeded.

He felt warm talons ripple across his forehead in a soothing motion, his eyes were barely open as is.

"Are you okay? You almost fell, luckily I caught you." Void slowly got back up with the help of Bolt. "Yeah. I'm alright, tough fall though." Bolt made a sarcastic chuckle before having a curious look. "What did you see?" It took Void a while to recount everything before he answered.

"First off, Blitz made that crater with lightning. I believe she was firing at a male stormwing I saw." Bolt repeatedly nodded to the information. 

"I also saw a cult-like chanting of some scavengers. They were chanting at a young stormwing that looked like you."

Bolt's head jerked back before putting one talon up in an "actually" way. (This sounds so stupid lol)

"That could've been a relative of some sort." Void cocked his head in confusion before Bolt started explaining. "The way they raised us is similar to mudwings; we never meet our parents. So I probably have over 3 to 5 dad sides" Void's face scrunched in disgust and shock while Bolt laughed.

They continued their flight but less quickening, neither of them knew why. 

Time skip since idk what to put to stall...

After a long flight they found themselves at a cave near the mudwing palace, right next to a scavenger den. Though the cave looked overused and was very fragile from Void's perspective.

"Alright, we should rest he-" He was cut off by the sound of ground shaking as Bolt tumbled on the ground.

"Hehe, I guess that's a yes." 

They continued from last night which was a little weird since last time they did this someone snuck out.

Though it was about to happen again. Void could see it, Bolt was planning on leaving him as well.

Void was awoken by the sound of wings ruffling, he was sure it was Bolt since he wasn't cuddled up with him like before. He went outside the cave to find Bolt just staring at the night sky, he seemed very troubled.

"Bolt! What are you doing?!" Bolt sent a look at him before staring back at the sky.

"Just in my thoughts." He didn't return a look at him at all. Void went up to Bolt's side, he didn't want to use future sight for this conversation. Bolt leaned on him and let out a deep sigh, cooling both of them down.

"What thoughts are you thinking about?" Bolt softly chuckled at his remark before talking again.

"Just about my sister, I feel like if I were someone better, someone braver, maybe we could've been done with this.

Void knew there was nothing he could say to cheer him up, Bolt was one of those dragons that once he believes in something he would never waver. So he decided to change the subject and make him happy.

"Hey, do you remember when Blitz brought us a entire bear family for us?" Bolt suddenly seemed interested and lightly smiled.

"Yeah, and you ate the whole thing." 

"You were so mad!"

They both started chuckling to the memory before having a long conversation of recalling memories of their previous adventures.

After a while Bolt finally realized what Void was doing and was about to go back in the cave.  Bolt gave in to the wrap Void had over him and gave him a little peck on the snout, flustering Void.

Void immediately tightened his wings around him as he gave him another passionate kiss. They found themselves in a tussle on the ground, which Void won taking the dominant position. The victory was short-lived however as they disconnected to take a breather.

"How did I fall for such an idiot?" Bolt amusingly noted.

"I don't know. Maybe because of my charming looks or charming personality." Void smiled while Bolt laughed as they went back into the cave.

They went back to sleep to continue their adventure to find Blitz later.

Sorry ya'll for the long delay

I hopefully will be updating more often and hopefully my writing gets better :(

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