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The guy next to me squirmed. I normally don't let guys I pick up from the bar sleepover but I was too tired to decline after last night. I sat up as quietly as possible so I wouldn't wake him up. Just because I wanted him out doesn't mean I'm going to be the one to wake him up. I'm not cruel. The guy woke up and stared at me with a smirk. I hope he doesn't think this meant something. He looked at me expectingly, like he was waiting for me to say something.

"Listen bud don't take this personal but I'm gonna need you to get out of my apartment. Like right now."

The guy looked at me like he was appalled and disgusted by my face all of a sudden and maybe a bit mad. Then he uttered under his breath something like "fucking whore", got up and left just like I asked. At least he wasn't like the guy last week who started shouting at me!

I'm not someone who likes commitment. A good fuck once in a while and it was enough for me. Random guy from last night was to celebrate me getting my dream job at the Tucci Law Firm . Ever since I was 13 I knew that I was going to be a lawyer. Legally Blonde is my favorite movie and I used to love watching Law and Order with my mom until... nevermind.

I quickly got ready in a beautiful ruffled white blouse I bought just for today and a black skirt and black heals. I styles my hair perfectly, making sure the curtain bangs I had cut last week using a Brad Mondo video sat well on my face. My makeup was light, I didn't want to look like a slut. First impressions were everything. That was the first thing my mom taught me.

I got into the car I've had ever since I was 18 and drove to the company. Once there I got to the front desk and signed myself in. The receptionist gave me a little key card for access and a complementary phone only for things related to the company. I never realized how top notch this place was. I then headed to the elevator and went in. The smell of expensive perfume lingered in the air and I took it in in with a deep breath.

The elevator pinged and I stepped out. Anticipation swelled through me. Who would be my new boss? Would it be a badass woman that fought her way to the top? A kind man who had compassion? A few more steps and a turn of the corner and I would now. I couldn't help but grin as I walked down the hallway but it died as soon as I turned the corner and saw my new boss yelling at another intern.

Anger pulsed through and I couldn't help myself. I speed walked, almost breaking out in a run towards the scene. I looked at my boss that I only just met a second ago in the eye with my "don't fuck with me" face .

"Sir, respectfully, whatever my colleague did, she does NOT deserve to be yelled at and humiliated like this", I said.

Everyone was now looking at us. I was aware that I had created a scene and this might be my first and last day now that I spoke to him in that way but I cannot stand bullies and especially those who watch while someone gets bullied. The man in front of me looked at me, cold icy blue grey eyes staring into my soul giving me shivers.

"I don't know who you think you are but this doesn't concern you. As for you, he looked now at the intern who was crying, you're cut from the program. You may go home."

I stared in shock as the intern just left without another word, her sniffles being heard as she walked away. The whole room was quiet, afraid that if they made one wrong move, they would end up just like that girl. At least that's what I was thinking. I didn't know who this mystery man was but if he could just cut someone like that he must be important. He turned to me again, eying me up and down, his expression giving away nothing.

" I believe we haven't been formally introduced. Let's talk somewhere more privately." He sounded nothing like the man that just hammered down a poor innocent intern but more like a civilized businessman.

I looked at him in disbelief, my anger still burning hot through my veins. He chuckled and shook his head. He knew I was angry and wanted justice for the intern. Then when I didn't move his smile died and he stared at me coldly.

"Let's talk somewhere more privately. That's an order." His voice was cool and collected. But it wasn't enough to make me give in. The seconds we stared at each other felt like hours. I needed to break the silence.

"I don't take order from those I don't know. Especially from self entitled men that act like asses." His mouth twitched like he was trying to fight back a smile which was outrageous. This was a serious matter and I was not laughing. He obviously thought this was joke since a half black half Asian woman never talks to him like this.

He stepped closer to me making me realize how he towered a good 6 inches over me. I wasn't scared. I'd faced way scarier dudes than him before. Everyone had got back to work so no one was listening. He leaned in so that our faces were only centimetres apart. My breath hitched and he smiled. Not a friendly smile. Almost sinister looking. As if he was so exited to say what he was about to say.

He brought his lips next to my ear. "Well I guess you're out of luck because this self entitled ass is Aaron Tucci." I gasped. There is no way. Absolutely no way that this was Aaron Tucci, my boss and CEO of the Tucci Law Firm. So much for first impressions. He probably thought I was unbearable and annoying.

"So then Miss... Jessica Xu" He looked at my name tag because there was no way he knew my name. " Let's talk somewhere more privately unless you want to end up like the girl before you." He turned and started walking this time. He knew I would comply. What a dick. Just because you had power doesn't mean you used it like that. And by the way he walked so triumphantly, I knew he enjoyed it.

Once we reached his office, he closed the door behind him and turned to face me. He walked past me, headed towards his desk and sat down on his chair. He started typing on his  computer paying no attention to me. Finally after a while, he lifted his eyes to me.

"Coffee... I'm going to need that every morning from now on. Black, no sugar or milk."

" I'm sorry sir but why do I have to do that. Don't you have a personal assistant for tasks like those. I thought I was here to learn from you, not to do your biding."

"Just so you won't give me a hard time I'll tell you why. You, Jessica Xu. Top of your class at Harvard Law and best intern in the program at the moment. I thought it wouldn't be challenging enough for you to work with the other interns so you will permanently be working on my service."

I couldn't believe my ears! Me! Working alongside THE Aaron Tucci. This is my dream, what I've been working on my whole life! I couldn't help but grin because I'm working with fucking Aaron Tucci and life couldn't get any better than this.

"Careful Miss Xu, don't get too exited. This job is a lot of work and I'm a tough person to work with."

"Trust me Mr Tucci, I can handle it. There's a reason I'm number one." Then I winked. I don't know what compelled me to do it but I did. Mr Tucci laughed. A genuine laugh. I'm so embarrassed.

"Well then Miss Xu," a hint of playfulness was in his voice. But it was so subtle I could hardly hear it. "Go home. I'll send you a case we'll be working on tomorrow so study up on it." I turned to leave but then he stopped me. "And don't forget that coffee tomorrow. Pleasure meeting you."

I smiled and walked away but before I closed the door, I turned around one more time. "No Mr Tucci... the pleasure is all mine."

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Just Between Us. Aaron's POV is coming next and hopefully soon. Thank you for supporting me by reading this!!!! Tell me if the story is moving too fast paced.

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