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*Trigger Warning* Murder is mentioned in this chapter. If you are uncomfortable with the subject, please do not continue. Also there some dialogue in other languages. Their translation will be next to them. Enjoy!!!

She smiled and walked away but before she closed the door, she turned around one more time. "No Mr Tucci... the pleasure is all mine. Then she left. Her sent lingered, like a sort of berry. I stared at the door for a good 10 seconds before I pulled myself together. No one has ever talked to me that way, with such arrogance and confidence. It drove me mad.

She should be taught a lesson. I wonder how smart mouthed she'd be if I tugged at her hair or slammed her against the- no. What is wrong with me. I should not be feeling this way towards and intern. Speaking of her, I should send the case files to her work phone. Jessica Xu was and still is the head of her class at Harvard. But, judging by the intern i just fired that was also the top of her class, I should not get my hopes up.

I pulled up her number and sent the files. Tucci Law Firm specializes in criminal justice. I built this company from the ground up just to put criminals like my father in the jail they belong. It hasn't been easy. I have to be hard on my employees and make sure everyone is doing their jobs correctly. I cannot stand imperfection. That's why all my assistants must be number one.

The case I'm currently working on is a tuff one. The CEO of Gramgon Enterprise was murdered last week Friday. He was found in his office that night cigar in hand and 2 glasses of whiskey on the table. Police ran a DNA test on both cups and found samples from the CEO of their rival company, Morgan Enterprise.

The CEO, Ricardo Morgan was arrested by the police yesterday morning and since then has been charged for murder in the second degree and is facing up to life in prison. However, I don't believe that all cases are simply in black and white, shades of grey are always lurking.

I think Ricardo Morgan was framed, I don't know by who but I don't think an intelligent man like himself would blatantly kill his rival. It's too obvious. I'm not a defence attorney however so if not him, I need to pin this murder on someone.

That's why I've decided to take this upon myself and take matters into my own hands. I'm collaborating with a private detective who I heard was one of the best to help me find the crook who killed Mr Gramgon and had the audacity to try and frame someone else and get away with it.

The only reason why I hired an intern to help me with this job is because it's a lot and I'm going to need all hands on deck. Normally I work alone so this is going to be a struggle for me. Teamwork is over-rated but for the sake of his project I'm willing to give it a try, though I know I'll despise it.

"Aaron...AARON!" My brother and one of my managers called my name from outside my office. It was only then that realized I was totally spaced out just now ."AAAAAARRROOONNN", my brother called louder. I swear social anxiety is scared of him. "Come in", I said calm and collected. Even though we were only one year apart, my brother Berardo and I are nothing alike. He's loud and and boastful while I'm... you can say the opposite.

"Che succede a te? Stai bene?" What's up with you? You good? He spoke in our native tongue, Italian.

"Stavo bene finché non ti sei presentato. Cosa vuoi?" I was fine until you showed up. What do you want, I replied back. I always liked to tease my brother and we insulted each other all the time. We were close.

"Non c'è bisogno di essere così scortese, Armando, so che mi ami." No need to be so rude, Armando, I know you love me. He used my birth name, the one that I hated. All of the Tucci children had an Italian name and an American name and we all hated the Italian one. I knew that and if he wanted to play that way it was game on.

"Sì, ti amo, Berardo, ma immagino che la tua ragazza non ti abbia amato abbastanza da rimanere fedele. Pensare che stavi per fare la proposta." Yeah I love you, Berardo, but I guess your girlfriend didn't love you enough to stay faithful. To think you were about to propose. I smirked sensing that I touched a nerve but quickly realized that I went too far.

My brother turned and slammed the door as he left. Only after he left did I realize he had left something on my desk. It was a plastic bag and when I looked inside, that's when I really felt bad. It was lunch, my favorite...chicken scarpariello.

I sighed. I felt bad about what I said but I didn't apologize. It's not something in my nature. Feeling a bit restless I picked up my phone, my muscles tensing when I saw a text from her. Thanks boss. I'll get to work right away. I was going to text her back but after a while of trying to figure out what to say, typing and erasing, I just shut down my phone, turned on my computer and started my research.

It was going to be a long night.

Hello everyone. If you read Chapter 1 when it first came out I'm sorry it took so long to get chapter 2 out. I had to sort some stuff out in my life and finals are coming up for me so just be patient with me. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment. Thank you for supporting me by reading.

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