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* Warning* There are swear words in this Chapter. If you are uncomfortable please to not continue. There  are also other languages mentioned in this Chater. Their translation in right after them Enjoy!!

Bubbles danced across the screen of my phone as I waited for Mr. Tucci to answer. After a while they stopped. I figured he was called away and would answer me later. I got home just in time for lunch. I was feeling lazy so I went into my ramen supply and started preparing one to eat.  As I did I saw a text from one of my bestfriends, Mia.

"Incoming, a storm's coming your way."

I was about to text back what she meant but then my twin sister barged through the door. I shared the appartment with Mia and Janae, my sister, but sometimes I wish I could get a place for myself. Janae was obviously distressed, pacing all over the room murmuring in Vietnamese. It was obvious that she cried. Mia walked over to me with worried glances towards Janae.

" Do you know what happened?", I asked, unsure on how to handle the situation. 

"I don't know what happened. We were at work and then she checked her phone and burst into tears. I tried to ask her what was wrong but she's only speaking in Vietnamese. I brought her here in hopes you could help her."

"OK I'll try", I said walking over to my sister.

She was still pacing. I grabed her by the hand and steadied her, sitting her down on the couch. Her hands were shaking. Her breathing was shallow and choppy. She was having a panic attack. 

"Janae, hít thật sâu hai hơi... với họ cùng với tôi. một hai. Bây giờ hãy kể cho tôi nghe chuyện gì đã xảy ra."Janae take 2 deep breaths, do them with me...1...2. Now tell me what happened. 

I reassured my sister and tried to get her to calm down. By now my ramen was done and I gave it to her. I placed my hand on her back and rubbed circles on it. I didn't push her and gave her time to collect herself and tell me what was wrong when she was ready.

"Chị lớn anh ấy đã chia tay với tôi rồi." Big sis, he broke up with me.  We were only a couple of minutes apart at birth but my sister still called me her "big sis". I was always the more mature one. As for the breaking up part, my sister had been dating her childhood bestfriend for about a year now. They had tried dating and it had seamed to be going well but apparantly he broke up with her over text telling her they were better of as just friends.

I gave Janae a big hug and Mia and I tried cheering her up as best as we could. After awhile, Mia had an idea.

" What if we went to the new club opening up tonight... hit on some guys just like in college?"

Janae instantly perked up. She had always been the biggest flirt everywhere she went. She loved to thrill of it, having men at her mercy, begging for a chance with her. 

"I'm up for that... you coming chị lớn?"

"How could I say no." On a regular Monday night I would have absolutly said no but my sister was going through a break up and if getting drunk and hitting on random men, even maybe hooking up with them would help, I would come. Only to make sure she was ok though. I had work in the morning.

"Yay! I missed going out with you two. Work takes up too much of our time."

"It sur does", Mia said walking towards our rooms. She came back with her make-up box and three outfits she'd picked out. They were our matching silk dresses we got for special occasion. Mine was gold, Janae's was red and Mia's was emerald green.

"Pucker up girls", Mia said her grin misceivious, "We're all about to me glammed up". Mia and Janae were both residents at Mary Memorial Hospital but Mia never wanted to be a doctor. She only did it to please her parents. She wanted to be an artist, sell her own artwork and have her own gallery. She was very talented so I had no worries about our make-up, I knew it would look flawless.

An hour later, we had finished getting ready to go out. Mia outdid herself for our make-up, we were stunning. We all put on our matching dresses, heels and other accessories (or styles were very different), called a cab and was on our way to the club.

Once we got there it was a sight to behold. The music boomed from the inside, so loud that you could here it from outside. Neon lights lit up the place, making it stand out in the night. Janae, Mia and I walked inside and headed to the bar. I wasn't going to drink but it was hard to resist my sister's persuasive skills. Sometimes I think she should have been the laywer.

After five rounds of tequila, all three of us were a bit tipsy. Mia and Janae had worked there way to the dance floor, turning many male heads as they swayed their hips to the music. When the exitement died down a little they came to where I sat in the corner out of breath.

"Hotie alert", my sister said looking across the room. The man's back was turned to us but you could just tell the energy coming off him resonated strong masculinity. It was obvious that he was hot and he knew it judging by the way he sat up straight, like he owned the place.

"Go talk to him... maybe you'll leave with hime tonight", I winked. I was all for encouraging my sister. I'd been doing it all my life. She ordered another shot and downed it in one gulp. Then she walked with confidence towards the man on the other side of the room.

She tapped on his shoulder and put on her best seductive face. He turned to face her and when I saw who it was I almost had a heart attack. I got up, sheer panic in my movements. Mia picked up on it and questionned me.

" Why are you so agitated? Loosen up!"

" I can't loosen up because my sister is currently hitting on my boss!"

" So, what's wrong? Your sister can't date your boss?"

"My sister can date whoever the fuck she wants but my boss doesn't know I'm a twin and probably thinks I'm hitting on him right now." Realisation sunk in and now I wasn't the only one panicked. My sister was still hitting on Mr. Tucci and I needed to stop her before it got worse.

I sprinted across the room and interrupted their conversation. When Mr. Tucci saw me, the amusement on his face turned into confusion.

"Miss Xu?" ,He asked puzzled, his eys darting between me and my sister.

"Yes" , my sister and I answered at the same time. Mr. Tucci's confusion deepened further. I had to salvage this embarrasing moment.

"Yes Mr. Tucci. This is Jessica Xu... from work and this is my sister, Janae Xu... not from work. Janae, meet my boss Mr. Tucci." I put more emotion on the word boss so she would get the picture and her cheeks immediately flushed bright red.

"I'm so sorry... I had no idea", she said, hands clasped over her mouth.

"It's ok, no hard feelings", Mr. Tucci said. His voice was smooth like honey.

"Will you excuse us, I'll see you at work tomorrow boss", I said, trying to sound proffessional.

He smirked gave a small nod, my signal to leave. I almost sprinted back to Mia. I was going to need much more drinks if I ever wanted toforget tonight.

Thank you for reading chapter 3 of Just Between Us! If you have any suggestions for the story, just leave them in the comments. Please let me know if the story is moving too fast paced since this is my first time writing a story. Chapter 4 coming soon!

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