Swallowed in the Sea

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just a heads up this is written in a funky way...but it still should be readable...

His eyes searched the quickly dimming beach for someone, anyone to help him. Had Mark...Had Mark really stabbed him? Or had it been the infamous Dark? Suddenly he heard the sound of running, footsteps running towards him. The person crouched down next to him. "Mark...You came back..." Jack whispered. Mark nodded.

"You're going to be okay. I ran to get help. And Dark, he's gone, no more worries," Mark said. His voice was smooth and oddly calming, despite Jack's current situation. That being a stab wound in the stomach, and the inevitable fact that when the tide rose he'd be carried out to see. Never seen again. Dark would get away with his crime.

"Will they be here soon? The tide's getting awfully close," Jack said nervously.

"Yes. Don't worry. You're gonna live and we're going to get back together and live a normal happy life," Mark said.

"Wait..." Jack said, vision gradually become darker as the blood streamed from his wound. "Did...Did I trigger Dark? Is this my fault?"

"No dear, nothing's your fault. You...You didn't deserve this," Mark said. The pain was becoming unbearable.

"Mark...Will....Will you hold me?" Jack whispered, voice becoming strained and using too much of his dwindling energy.

Mark paused. Jack used whatever strength he had left to reach out, to touch the love of his life.

But his hand went through him. "No..." Jack whispered, eyes widening. Mark wasn't really there. He was still inside of Dark. This was just a hallucination. "I'm going to die," he whispered, coughing. Suddenly he felt the icy cold water touch his bare ankles. His socks were already starting to be soaked. His eyes traveled up to Mark. Despite knowing he wasn't real he whispered, "I love you Mark." He closed his eyes, letting the rest of his life force flow from his body before being taken by the waves.


Mark suddenly felt himself winning. He was escaping. His head was foggy when he resurfaced, sending a greatly weakened side of him back to the darkest part of his brain. He sat up in bed, expecting to discover that him defeating Dark had been just a nightmare and that Jack would beside him. But the bed was empty and cold. Mark got up, and began to nervously check around the house. He called out his boyfriend's name. He picked up his phone to try texting Jack. Maybe he'd gone to get some groceries. But the date on his phone...Hadn't yesterday just been May 1st? It couldn't be July 2nd already. And when he found the messages he apparently had sent to Jack...He was confused and hurt to say the least. Dark held two months of memories, and one suddenly resurfaced.

.May 9th.

"What are all these texts?" Jack yelled, confronting whom he still thought was Mark. "Would you say any of this sh*t to my face? Would you?"

"Of course I would," M-Dark replied, reading off the horrible list of things from the texts.

"Mark?" Jack yelled, interrupting Darkiplier's Complete List of Jack's Flaws, "Are you okay? This isn't like you and it's actually kind of hurting my feelings."

"I couldn't be better," he said, grinning. But not that same sparkling grin Mark gets when talking about his friends. No, something that didn't fit with his face. Something evil. He held Jack up against the wall, continuing to spit out horrible words. Tears had started forming in Jack's eyes and he looked scared.

"Let me go. Just, let me leave. I don't want to see you anymore," Jack said, finally pushing Mark rather gently away.

"You can't leave, that's not an option," Dark's hand reached out, pulling Jack away from the door. The memory vividly painted the terror in Jack's eyes as he tore himself away, running for the door. Then it ended. The real world returned, Mark on the floor, full of self-hatred and guilt for something he didn't really do. He closed his eyes, remembering himself and Jack at the special magic doctor.

Technically Mark was the second personality. Dark had dabbled in magic, becoming powerful but evil, and developed Mark as a second personality. Mark had been in control for so long but one day he slipped and Dark had seeped through. Dark had cured all the other side affects, becoming an infant, being trapped by Mark, an obsession with the number four. And so he decided to make Mark pay before destroying humanity to allow his magic kind to come home to earth. And Mark doesn't know it yet, but his plan worked in part.

It wasn't until he saw the bloody clothes on his bathroom floor that he got nervous. "Dark?" he asked himself, "What the hell did you do?" He was inexplicably sent tumbling to the floor with a nightmare of himself stabbing Jack, leaving him to bleed to death on the beach. His eyes flashed open almost immediately. He jumped up, running out the door and chasing the waves along the beach. Looking for a sign of his lover. He can't be gone, he can't be.

A piece of bloodied blue fabric laying on the sand increased his nerves. He pulled out his phone, dialing the emergency number. He spoke words he didn't want to believe.

They never found the body.

INSPIRED BY THIS WONDERFUL PROMPT :) : http://otpprompts.tumblr.com/post/120183984695/person-a-is-dying-a-slow-death-all-alone-either

you're welcome

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