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The clock in the kitchen wall starts ticking as every second passes by.

"tick tick tick"

This night was supposed to be the night where we were all supposed to enjoy being together for the last time before Andrea moves. In the end, it wasn't the best night of all. One of our most awaited trips, became the worst and tragic night of our lives.

Andrea sits quietly at the dining table, looking outside at the glaring window reflecting the darkness of the night. She wonders about what to do the night before everyone goes back home.

Andrea murmurs, "Hmmm? what should we do?"

As soon as she speaks softly, Nikki walks around the dining table as she sits on the wooden chair looking at her face.

"Hey Andrea, what are you thinking about?" Nikki asks Andrea as she sits there and searches places to go on her macbook as the keyboard makes a clicking sound, rapid and loud noises coming out of her keyboard.

"Uhmm, I'm just stressing out a bit you know? Because obviously I'm going to Seoul, I don't wanna leave you guys here without enjoying it for a while." Andrea says in a stressed tone, worrying Nikki a bit.

"Oh, you know what? You don't have to stress out too much. We can still enjoy being together, this airbnb is enough for us to enjoy." Nikki replies with a sweet smile on her face, making Andrea smile too.

"Thanks Nikki, you've always been here for me since day one."
Andrea responds with a smile on her face, having hope inside her.

Nikki pats her back softly as a lightbulb in her mind turns on, an idea comes to her mind. Ding ding!

"Oh uh, mom said that the sauna was nice. Maybe we and our sisters can go in it for a bit. I know it's the middle of the night, and it's kinda dark outside but it's indoors anyway.. What do you think?"
Nikki questions as she patiently waits for Andrea's response.

"Actually, that's such a good idea Nikki! Thanks girl, you always make good ideas.. tehee" Andrea chuckles softly as she smiles at Nikki.

"Alright, no problem hehe. Let's just wait for Ashley and Tiffany.." Andrea replies with a nod as they patiently wait for their sisters.

Me and Ashley wait near the white wall, next to the dining table they're sitting at. Being quiet as ever, trying not to be too obvious.

"Tiffanyyy!" Ashley whines,

"I don't wanna keep on eavesdropping on our sisters, let's just go there since they may wanna add us to the fun, don't you think?"

Looking at Ashley just being tired of eavesdropping kinda made me tired too, I also wanted to be part of the fun, so I replied.

"You know what, alright. I'm getting tired of hiding near this white wall, my foot hurts now"
I looked at her as we both slowly walked to the dining area seeing both of our sisters having a conversation. We slowly walk up to them, making them stare at us in sync.

"Ashley, Tiffany, perfect! You two are here!" Andrea replies with a huge smile on her face as she stares at the two of us, making me and Ashley develop eye contact.

"Umm...perfect for what?" Ashley and I reply back at the same time confused, as we both start to sit on the dining table.

As soon as we both sit down, my sister Nikki smiles, and as soon as that happens she eagerly replies,

"Oh right, we were planning to take the both of you with us to the sauna tonight. Cause we wanted to enjoy the night before we go back home and before Andrea goes."
Nikki said with a big smile on her face and looking at the both of us.

"Sure, we'll both go with you too." Ashley replies happily as she taps my shoulder lightly, to signal me that she'll come and she wants me to be with her too.

"Alright you two, let's go upstairs and change. It's a bit dark out so why don't we all bring our phones."
We all nod as we all get out of our chairs and we go up the long wooden stairs.

The stairs creak a bit as the four of us go up the stairs, but it doesn't bother us at all.
Ashley and her sister Andrea go to their room and my sister and I go to ours.
As soon as me and my sister Nikki goes to our room she quickly goes to the walk-in closet, she twists the silver knob to open the door and un-zippers the luggage with our clothes inside. She grabs the plastic bag with our swimsuits and it slowly reveals the royal blue color.

"Here, Tiffany. Wear this.." My sister hands me the bag with the swimsuit, I take it off of her hands and go to the bathroom and change quickly.

After 3 minutes, I twist the silver knob of the bathroom door and I get out, wearing the silky royal blue swimsuit. "Tiffany, are you ready?"
My sister raises her voice a bit on the other side of the room for me to hear her.

"Yeaa!" I responded back to her, wearing the swimsuit that she gave me. My sister looks at me smiling, as I also see her dressed and ready. She gets the 2 white towels on the bed and gives the yellow one to me.

"Here you go Tiff, I'll get my phone downstairs and Andrea and Ashley will be out too."
She hands me the towel as we both get out of the room, walking towards the white door, leading to Andrea and Ashley's room.

We walk into their room, seeing them being dressed as well with their purple swimsuit.
As we enter the room, Andrea and Ashley fix their eyes on us, looking at our dressed bodies.

"Ooh~ I like your outfit guys, let's go to the sauna." Andrea says to all of us, as she flicks the lightswitch to their bedroom off as the four of us go down the stairs and enter the back door near the kitchen, leading to the swimming pool and sauna.
Andrea opens the back door, leading to the black and almost not seeable stairs, covered by the darkness of the moonlight. The cold wind flew by us, making us shiver a little bit. The backyard was so dark, to the point that it looked pitched black to see the next step. We all turned our flashlights on our phone on, but it was still a bit too dark to see where we were stepping.

"Be careful where you're stepping, it's dark out."
Nikki says to all of us as we all carefully go down the stairs, going to the sauna.
All of us slowly open the wooden door to the sauna, again feeling the hot and warm air of the room.
The view outside the window of the sauna and jacuzzi is pitched black, only the flickering yellow light is keeping the room filled with little light shining.
We all step into the steamy sauna, our laughter echoing off the walls.

"This is so relaxing," Andrea sighed, sinking onto a wooden bench.
Nikki and I joined them, the room filling with our giggles
"I'm so glad we decided to do this,"

Nikki said, leaning back and closing her eyes.
Suddenly, multiple bangs could be heard not so far away. ....

[to be continued]

Survive The NightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin