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"Do you guys hear that?"

"Is someone there?"

"Who is that?"

"What is that noise?"

We wondered to ourselves, filling up the room with our worry, but something obviously felt off.
Suddenly the door creaked open and a shadow loomed in the doorway.

"Who is that person, and why are they here?"
Those words fill my brain, as I still wonder who's the person in the other side of the door.

The man slipped inside, his eyes fixed on me, with a crazed look in his eyes.

"K...Kevin Moon?

The guy that was secretly in love with me, and used every opportunity to ask me out? What the f*ck is he doing in the sauna? Am I hallucinating?"
I say in my mind, not being able to move a single bit. My hands shaking as Kevin gives me that terrifying stare.

Kevin's knife glinted in the dim light. His grin widened as he watched them settle in, unaware of the danger looming over them.
As the steam thickened, Kevin made his move, swiftly overpowering them. Their screams echoed off the wooden walls, mixing with the hissing of the sauna's steam.

"Scream all you want, ladies~" Kevin said, his voice a chilling whisper.
"No one can hear you here. Only I can.." Kevin also said, with his knife in his hand, not able for them to see, but does it to get ready.

The girls' screams turned to terrified moans as Kevin's actions silenced them one by one. He chuckled to himself, the sound turning into a low, manic hum as he realized that Tiffany would soon be his alone.
Tiffany's eyes widened in horror as she watched the scene unfold before her. She knew she had to play along to survive, to bide her time until she found a way to escape. The stakes were high, and she had to be smart if she wanted to get out of this alive.

"What are you doing here, Kevin?" My voice trembled.
Kevin's low hum sent shivers down my spine.

"Oh my Tiffany~ I just couldn't stay away.. I missed you babe~" he murmured.

Andrea's eyes widened, tears rolling down as she noticed Tiffany's distress. "Tiffany.., let's go," she urged, standing up.

But before they could leave, a blood-curdling scream cut through the air. Ashley was the first to fall, her cry echoing in the small space.
Nikki's eyes widened with horror as she backed away, only to stumble over Ashley's lifeless body.

"No, no, no!" Nikki sobbed.

"Please, Kevin, stop this," I pleaded, my voice trembling.

Kevin laughed, a cruel, mocking sound. "I can't stop now, Tiffany. You and I are meant to be together."
Kevin uses his blood covered knife again, causing Nikki to fall. He uses the same movements to make the last one fall too, Andrea. Andrea cries in the corner, her throat and stomach also sliced by Kevin.

Tiffany's heart pounded in her chest, seeing everyones throat and stomach punctured. Lots of dark, red blood started to drip on all of their bodies, as Kevin's laughter filled the room.

"Ha~ You can't escape me, Tiffany," he whispered with a smirk on his face.
As Tiffany's tears fell, the realization hit her. She was alone with a killer. The person who was secretly in love and obsessed with her, Kevin Moon. Tiffany's mind raced as she struggled to survive, trapped with a madman's obsession.
In the dimly lit sauna, the steam swirled around Kevin and Tiffany as they sat in silence. Suddenly, Tiffany broke the tension.

"Kevin, I can't believe what you've done. How- how could you...kill them?"
Tiffany sobs, tears coming down her cheeks as she tries to process everything that happened in that short period of time.

Kevin smirked, his eyes gleaming with twisted adoration.
"I did it for us, Tiffany. Now there's no one standing in our way. I've always loved you, and I knew we were meant to be together."
Kevin caresses Tiffany's cheek, wiping away her tears.
Tiffany shudders after he does that, feeling trapped and powerless.

"This is insane, Kevin. You can't force me to love you. You've gone too far."

"Shh, my love~," Kevin whispered, reaching out to stroke her hair. "I just want you to see that we belong together. I'll take care of you, always..."
Kevin kisses her head as he puts his blood-covered knife back to its place in his bag, carrying Tiffany in bridal style.

Tiffany fought back tears as they left the sauna, entering the empty house. She knew there was no escape from this deranged man, and she was at his mercy.
As they walked through the house, the silence was broken by Tiffany's muffled sobs and Kevin's eerie chuckles, creating an atmosphere of dread and despair.

"Tiffany, my love, we're going to be together forever," Kevin declared, his voice a blend of twisted devotion and madness.
Tiffany shivered, wrapping her arms around herself as she glanced around the empty house, now a prison of her worst fears.

"Kevin, this is insane. You can't force someone to love you."
A cruel smile twisted Kevin's lips as he advanced, his footsteps echoing through the silent halls.

"But I can, Tiffany. I've already proven that. I got rid of those who stood in our way. Now, it's just you and me in this world."

Tiffany's breath hitched as she realized the depth of Kevin's derangement.
"You're a monster, Kevin. I'll never love you."
Tiffany tries to hit his chest, but his hands stop her and ends up holding her hands.

Kevin's laughter filled the air, a chilling sound that sent shivers down her spine. "Oh, my love.., you will. You have no choice. Love can be... persuasive~"

Tiffany's cries as Kevin's words washed over her, the realization of her nightmarish existence settling in. She quickly detaches her hands from Kevins, and she trembles as Kevin's crazed eyes bore into her soul.

"You can't just keep me here, Kevin! I don't love you! Let me go, please! " she pleaded, wringing her hands.

Kevin chuckled darkly, his breath hot on her skin.

"But my love Tiffany, I don't need you to love me. I just need you to be here with me, forever and ever," he murmured, gripping her shoulders tightly.

Tiffany's heart raced as she struggled against his grasp.

"You killed my sister, my best friend, and her sister... why? Why spare me?" she said with tears streaming down her face.

"Because.. You are special, Tiffany. You're the only one for me, the one I've been waiting for all along," he whispered, his voice tinged with madness.

As Tiffany fought back a scream, she knew she had to find a way to escape this deranged man. She looked around the dimly lit room, searching for any means of breaking free from his clutches.
The night stretched on, filled with tense whispers, desperate cries, and the ominous sound of Kevin's footsteps echoing through the house. And amidst it all, Tiffany tries to think of ways to outwit the madman and survive this tragic night, no matter the cost. Tiffany's breath hitched as Kevin's grip tightened around her, his fingers digging into her arms.

"Stop it, Kevin! This isn't love. This is madness, and an unhealthy obsession! You really have to stop this, I beg you!" she cried, struggling against his hold.

But Kevin's grip only grew stronger, his eyes wild with an unhinged desire.
"No, Tiffany, this is love. You just haven't seen it yet. But you will. You'll see that we're meant to be together, forever."

Tiffany let out a desperate scream, her body shaking with terror as Kevin's lips crashed down on hers, forcing her into a cruel, twisted embrace.

This was the beginning of my spectacularly terrifying and heart-stoppingly wild journey. This night couldn't be any worse. Now stuck with an obsessive madman trying to be my lover who killed my friends and my sister? Who even has the nerve to be with me forever, when he does those actions and murders people like that?! I have to find a way to escape this deranged obsession of his before it consumes me completely,
I have to try..

I must....

Survive the night....

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